Home remedies for tonsillitis

Home remedies for tonsillitis /
Sucking problems, sore throat, a lump in the throat - all this indicates an tonsillitis. It is called in the jargon tonsillaris or Tonsillitis. Mild inflammation can come with home remedies for sore throat. In case of proper tonsillitis, however, in which the neck hurts bad and still come with various general symptoms, such as fever, palate pain, severe throat pain, fatigue and headache, the visit to the doctor is inevitable. If a conventional medical therapy is required, however, various home remedies can support the healing.


  • Medical examination required
  • Gargling with baking soda and honey
  • salt
  • Sage & marigold
  • Tea tree oil
  • cloves
  • Wraps fight the inflammation
  • Aloe vera
  • Tea recipes to gargle
  • Apple cider vinegar with honey
  • Icelandic moss
  • Inhalation with herbal infusion
  • myrrh tincture
  • propolis
  • Internal application
  • Manuka honey
  • Teerezepte
  • nutrition
  • Important in the end

Medical examination required

Sore throat is often just a pharyngitis. However, if the tonsils are also inflamed, it is called an tonsillitis. This is caused by bacteria or viruses. Usually, the disease starts very suddenly with massive discomfort and general malaise. In this case, a walk to the doctor's office is recommended.

A medical examination is in principle in the case of acute tonsillitis with numerous other symptoms required. (Image: Dan Race / fotolia.com)

A throat swab is used to determine if tonsillitis was caused by a particular type of streptococcus. These pathogens usually need to be treated with an antibiotic because they can cause complications such as rheumatic fever, endocarditis (heart inflammation) or a glomerulonephritis (a special form of nephritis). Often antibiotics are also used in other bacterial forms. Home remedies can be helpful in conjunction with conventional medicine. If an antibiotic is prescribed, you must take it to the last tablet.

Gargling with baking soda and honey

Gargle can not and does not like everyone. However, it is a very effective home remedy for tonsillitis. For this purpose, various finished gargle solutions exist. Gargling disinfects the mouth and throat area and has an anti-inflammatory effect. A simple and inexpensive home remedy that can be found in most households: in a small key, mix 2 teaspoons of honey with half a spoonful of baking soda. Slowly dissolve this viscous mixture in the mouth until the volume of garlic is sufficient. You can now spit out the antibacterial solution or slowly let it down your throat. Especially in Slavic countries, this trick is widespread. If the mixture is used twice a day for mild sore throats, severe sore throat can often be avoided.


Approximately two grams of Himalayan salt or sea salt are mixed with 100 milliliters of lukewarm water, which can then be gargled several times a day. The salty taste in the mouth is a bit strange at first. However, salt gurgling has a very special healing effect and should definitely be tried.

Sage & marigold

Gargling with sage is an ancient home remedy, but still effective. For a strong sage tea from fresh or dried sage leaves is cooked. When it has cooled down a bit, it serves as a gargle solution, which is gargled several times a day for a few minutes. The sage not only has an antibacterial effect but also antiviral, hemostatic, antiperspirant, anti-inflammatory, tonifying and antispasmodic.

Gargling can also be done with dried marigold flowers. The marigold is a plant that is best known for its healing properties. It has this effect not only in external, but also in internal use. From two teaspoons full of dried flowers and 250 milliliters of boiling water, a tea is prepared. The brewing time is ten minutes.

Sage contains not only numerous tannins and bitter substances, but also numerous essential oils. He was already successfully used in the fight against the plague, today he is one of the most effective medicinal plants for common cold. (Image: Edalin / fotolia.com)

Tea tree oil

There is also the possibility to use tea tree oil for gargling. For this purpose, three drops are placed in a glass of lukewarm water. Even this taste is a bit strange, but as a home remedy for tonsillitis, gargling with tea tree oil sometimes has a very convincing effect.


The cloves-containing eugenol has an analgesic, decongestant and antibacterial effect - it is even used in dental root canal treatments. The easiest way to chew all of the dried cloves gently. The exuding soothing juice is then slowly swallowed and thus reaches the tonsils.

Wraps fight the inflammation

In tonsillitis wrap are simple, quickly used home remedies. As additives serve quark, salt, healing earth or lemons. For the inner cloth a cotton cloth is always used. On top comes another cotton cloth and as a top layer a wool or silk scarf. For all wraps, the thinner side is placed on the skin. During the exposure time, you can sit comfortably or lie on your back. For all neck wraps: The spine must not be covered with the diapers.

Wrap with cottage cheese
For the well-known Quark wrap the quark is painted on the center of a kitchen towel and the other two ends are folded over. Before it is wrapped around the neck, the wrap should be left at room temperature or put on the heater for a short while so it is not so cold. Then he is put around the neck. The roll is taken off when the quark is dry or warm. Quark can remove inflammation from the body and thus also reduce the sore throat.

Wraps based on healing clay can be used as a home remedy for tonsillitis. (Image: PhotoSG / fotolia.com)

Wrap with healing earth
For healing earth, there are a variety of applications. Even as a home remedy for tonsillitis her use is quite worth a try. From the healing clay powder and a little warm water, a porridge is stirred and then painted on a cotton cloth. The two free ends are taken, so the wrap comes around the neck. After about 30 minutes, the treatment is ready.

Wrap with salt
Salt detoxifies and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Whether for the wrap cold or warm water is used, those affected can decide for themselves. About 30 grams of Himalayan salt or sea salt are dissolved in one liter of water and so a kitchen towel is soaked. This is then placed around the neck. After half an hour, the wrap is removed and the neck protected with a dry cloth.

Wrap with lemons
For the lemon wrap, one to two lemons are cut into thin slices. These are placed on the center of a cloth, hammered in and slightly squeezed with a rolling pin so that the juice can escape. Wrap the wrap around the neck, wrap it with a towel, depending on the humidity. He stays there for about half an hour. When the skin begins to itch, it is immediately removed.

If an infection with streptococcus cause tonsillitis, it usually requires treatment with antibiotics. However, home remedies can be used as a supplement. (Photo: elviragerecht / fotolia.com)

Aloe vera

The leaf of the aloe vera shrub contains many healthy substances. The most important of these is the polysaccharide acemannan. This strengthens the immune system and repels viruses, parasites and bacteria. The somewhat gelatinous substance of the aloe vera juice protects the mucous membranes. It is best to gargle with pure, 100% aloe juice hourly at the first symptoms of tonsillitis to prevent it from spreading.

Tea recipes to gargle

In case of mild discomfort, the following recipe can bring relief: chamomile flowers, sage leaves and centaury are mixed in equal parts. One teaspoon of the mixture is boiled with a quarter liter of boiling water and strained after about ten minutes. If the broth has cooled down, it can be gargled several times a day.

Apple cider vinegar with honey

Apple cider vinegar has become an all-round home remedy. He is also suitable for gargling. A tablespoon is mixed with a teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and gargled with it. The honey reduces the vinegar taste and has an additional healing effect.

Another recipe contains in addition to the sage leaves nor mallow leaves and the marshmallow root. Mallow and marshmallow have a protective effect on the mucous membrane and also soothe irritation. All three substances are mixed in equal parts. On a cup of boiling water (250 milliliters) comes a teaspoon of the mixture. The whole thing was to pull for a quarter of an hour.

Icelandic moss: This medicinal plant has a rather unusual form, it grows flat directly on the ground, as lichen. It is widespread throughout Europe, but only thrives in higher altitudes. (Image: tilzit / fotolia.com)

Icelandic moss

This valuable medicinal plant can not only help with a dry cough, but also relieves inflammation in the throat and throat. The lichens contain mucilage, lichen acids and bitter substances as well as some vitamins. In the throat, the ingredients form a protective mucus layer on the skin. There are extracts as a candy or in tablet form, as well as the dried lichens can be brewed as herbal tea. It is essential to buy the lichens for the tea in the pharmacy, because wild collected radioactively contaminated.

Inhalation with herbal infusion

In tonsillitis, inhalations can have a calming effect on the respiratory tract and irritated neck. Herbal tea, a sea salt solution or even essential oils such as eucalyptus oil can be used. Please only add essential oils sparingly, because they are usually so intense that even a few drops in a water bowl are sufficient. If salt is used for inhalation, you can add one tablespoon per liter of water. More below. Linden flowers, thyme and sage leaves are equally suitable for inhalation with herbal tea. Boil the tea as much as usual, you need at least a liter of it. Careful, the fumes can be very hot - so the tea can be kept covered for longer.

myrrh tincture

Myrrh is a well-known home remedy. As a myrrhine tincture, it is effective in treating sore throats, oral mucositis and aphthae. For a gurgle application, add five drops of the tincture to a glass. Then use this mixture several times a day.

Propolis has proven itself many times as a home remedy for inflammatory symptoms. (Image: Monika Wisniewska / fotolia.com)


Propolis is a protective resin of bees for the hive. For us humans, the intake of propolis is a good way to boost the immune system. It can also help with inflammation of the mouth, gingivitis, aphthae or tonsillitis. Propolis is available as drops, capsules, lozenges or globules. This natural product not only helps in the acute state, but also for prevention.

Internal application

Also for internal use, there are some home remedies for tonsillitis. Cinchona bark can be used as an infusion, as is oregano oil is widely used. Oregano oil is antiviral, antibacterial and can inhibit growth of fungi. An extract of grapefruit seeds should also help. Also chamomile flowers and coneflower (Echinacea) are contained in numerous prescription-free preparations. The latter strengthens the body's defenses, and can be taken in the cold season preventive even without acute tonsillitis, against colds. In a health food store or health food store, all listed funds can be found.

Sage drops
On the way, the sage sweets are practical. The sucking stimulates the production of saliva. The saliva is very important in a throat infection, because only in a wet throat the body's own antibodies can work unhindered. With mild sore throat, the sage also helps a bit to relieve the pain.

The particularly valuable Manuka honey can only be collected from the flowers of the Southern Sea myrtle (Leptospermum scoparium). The higher the proportion of the antibacterially active sugar degradation product methylglyoxal (MGO), the better the effect. (Image: umabatata / fotolia.com)

Manuka honey

Manuka honey is a very special honey. Its special active ingredient is methylglyoxal, which is one hundred times more concentrated than in a "normal" honey. This substance is mainly responsible for the antibacterial effect that emanates from the Manuka honey. The following intake is recommended for tonsillitis: Three times daily a teaspoon with Manuka honey slowly melt in the mouth. Note, this honey is not in hot brewed tea - it would destroy the valuable ingredients.

Manuka honey with ginger
In a liter of water, a piece of sliced ​​ginger root is heated for about twenty minutes, but not cooked. After removing the root, the brew is cooled slightly and then one or two teaspoons of manuka honey are added. The whole thing tastes very delicious and is a helpful home remedy for tonsillitis.

Horseradish with honey
First brew a tea from cloves - a not heaped teaspoon per cup. Let this tea cool to serving temperature and mix with a teaspoon of freshly grated horseradish. Add a spoonful of honey and you have a powerful home remedy. This infusion you can now drink throughout the day in small sips.

Horseradish has been cultivated since ancient times. Originally from Moldavia, today it is wild even in the Alps. In case of tonsillitis a teaspoon of horseradish dissolved in clove tea can help to relieve. (Image: Yaruniv-Studio / fotolia.com)

Schüssler salts
Among the important Schuessler salts in an almond inflammation include the Schuessler salts No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum and No. 4 potassium chloratum. Both are best sucked on the first scratch in the throat. This can often suffocate the inflammation in the bud.


Sufficient fluid is very important in tonsillitis. Carbonated water should be better avoided, as this irritates the mucous membranes too much. Suitable as a drink are still water, fruit spritzer and tea.

In addition to the above gargle with sage, of course, also offers a fresh brewed sage tea. One teaspoon of dried leaves per cup, infuse for 15 minutes. This tea can be refined after a little cooling against the slightly bitter taste with honey. For a milder taste linden flowers can be given, these also soothe the irritated neck wonderfully as tea.

In addition, the following teacups help as a home remedy for tonsillitis: marshmallow leaves, cheese poplar, chamomile and elderflower or the berries of the elderberry are mixed in equal parts. For a cup of tea, pour a teaspoon full of a quarter liter of boiling water. The tea leaves for about 10 minutes and is drunk three times a day in small sips.

Did you know that elderberry berries are a great accompaniment to fruit soups, jams and juices? In addition to many vitamins, the berries contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. (Image: leomalsam / fotolia.com)

If the neck is also sore next to the inflammation, the following recipe is suitable: Yarrow, horsetail, chamomile and sage are mixed in equal parts and a teaspoon of it is brewed with 250 milliliters of boiling water. The brewing time is eight minutes. Also of this tea three cups are recommended daily.


In case of tonsillitis, most people refuse fixed food. That's a good thing. We recommend light soups and plenty of liquid. Milk is to be avoided, as this is too much glue - which hinders swallowing even more. Sour fruit juices are heavily diluted and high-flavored foods are omitted, as both would irritate the mucous membranes too much.

Important in the end

An tonsillitis is serious in any case. Bed rest is recommended and physical efforts should be avoided. If the symptoms do not disappear after a few days, if concomitant symptoms accompany the pain, or if the pain is severe from the start, it is important to consult a doctor. (sw, dp, updated on 08/16/2018)