Home remedies for stomach cramps

Home remedies for stomach cramps /
Home remedies for stomach cramps are based largely on an anticonvulsant and calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to herbal teas and warm wraps, there are numerous natural remedies such as healing clay to relieve the symptoms. First and foremost is a healthy diet, which includes a light and easily digestible diet with enough fiber.


  • causes
  • Quick help: heat pad
  • Tea for stomach cramps
  • Healing earth brings the digestion into balance
  • Linseed and potato wrap
  • Stomach cramps due to blockages
  • Prerequisite for a healthy stomach
  • Prevent spasms in the stomach through a healthy diet
  • Heavy in the stomach


Stomach cramps are often the result of a rotten stomach due to unfamiliar or difficult to digest foods. Even with a gastritis (gastritis), the cramping symptoms occur frequently. In addition, among other stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, gastrointestinal dysmotility (movement disorders of the gastrointestinal tract) or even a gastric carcinoma be cause. However, the symptoms may also be associated with other illnesses, such as pancreatitis, heart problems, colon disease, hiatal hernias, or autoimmune diseases.

Spasmodic epigastric pain can have a variety of causes, but home remedies for stomach cramps often provide timely relief. (Image: SENTELLO / fotolia.com)

Furthermore, food intolerances and allergies are possible as triggers, such as a sorbitol intolerance or lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance). Even with stress and other mental health problems, those affected often report episodes of spasms. In such psychosomatic disorders, a doctor may not necessarily find organic causes, but the use of relaxation techniques such as autogenic training can help with the pain.

If the symptoms are only occasionally noticeable after a sumptuous or greasy meal, they can usually be treated well with home remedies. However, if stomach cramping or gastric pressure is common and painful, a doctor should be consulted.

Quick help: heat pad

A heat pad on the upper abdomen has a relaxing and circulation-promoting effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Especially suitable for this is a cherry stone cushion, which is heated in the microwave for a maximum of 600 watts for up to one minute. Then it is placed on the stomach and unfolds its soothing and antispasmodic effect. Before the pillow is reheated, it should be completely cooled, as the cherry kernels may start to glow if the heat is too high. This could cause the fabric of the pillow to catch fire in the microwave.

If there is no cherry pillow at hand, a simple hot water bottle also serves well. First fill with hot water and then take a comfortable rest position with the hot water bottle - so you help your stomach to find the relaxed state again. In addition, moisturizing envelopes are recommended in natural medicine.

However, if the heat does not help against the cramps, an inflammatory condition such as appendicitis may be the cause of the discomfort. Patients should then, as a precaution, consult a doctor, as appendicitis should not be taken lightly. Only a doctor can determine for sure whether it is a serious inflammation or just a lighter appendicitis.

Heat almost always helps to relieve spasms in the stomach or intestinal area. (Image: absolutimages-fotolia)

Tea for stomach cramps

Among the oldest home remedies for stomach cramps are herbal teas that have an anticonvulsant and / or soothing and relaxing effect. Among the classics is the chamomile tea that quenches spasms and anti-inflammatory effect. For the preparation of two teaspoons of chamomile flowers are set with a quarter liter of boiling water. The tea should be covered for ten minutes. Then the flowers are strained. When stomach cramps up to three cups daily of the tea can be drunk.

Lemon balm in the form of tea can relieve cramps, if they are rather nervous. The plant has a soothing effect on the stomach, but also relaxing on the whole body. Melissa can be used fresh or dried.

Peppermint tea with the active ingredient menthol also has an antispasmodic effect. For an infusion, some fresh peppermint leaves are washed, plucked small and doused with a cup of boiling water. Cover the tea for ten minutes covered and then warm as possible in small sips to eat.

Even licorice root tea has anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant. This is mainly due to its main active ingredient, the saponin glycyrrhizin. For the preparation, the licorice root is cut into small pieces and boiled briefly. Finely chopped liquorice root is also available in the pharmacy or health food store. Then the tea should draw for five to ten minutes. The sweeter the tea should be, the longer its brewing time. The licorice tea should be drunk in sips throughout the day to maximize its effects.

To calm the stomach, naturopathy knows the chamomile, best drunk as a tea. (Image: kuleczka / fotolia.com)

Accompanied by the cramps a feeling of fullness and bloating, provide anise, fennel and caraway relief. One teaspoon of these three seeds - slightly stirred and mixed in equal parts - is brewed with a cup of boiling water. The tea has a relaxing, antispasmodic effect. Also recommended is a fennel syrup that you can easily make yourself.

Healing earth brings the digestion into balance

Also healing earth, used internally or externally, can provide relief for cramps in the epigastrium. It binds toxins and pollutants and promotes their excretion. Especially for stomach cramps in conjunction with diarrhea healing clay brings the digestion back into balance. The powder is mixed with warm water and drunk.

Healing earth is also suitable for envelopes. For this, the powder is mixed with warm water or chamomile tea to a pulp. This is then applied to a cloth and placed on the stomach. The wrap has an antispasmodic effect and stays on the stomach until it is dry.

Linseed and potato wrap

A similar effect can be achieved with linseed wraps. For this old home remedy, flaxseed flour is stuffed into a bag and heated in hot water for about ten minutes. Then the flaxseed bag is placed on the upper abdomen, where it warms the stomach and releases the cramps.

Potato wraps are also considered as an old home remedy for stomach cramps. For this, the potatoes are cooked with shell until they are cooked. Then they are crushed and put on a cotton or linen cloth. The cloth is then wrapped in a packet and placed on the stomach.

Salt is also suitable for heat transfer. Many naturopaths recommend a good sea salt or Himalayan salt, which is filled in a small cloth coating and then heated in the oven slowly at 50 to 60 degrees for about twenty minutes.

Stomach cramps due to blockages

Sometimes not digestible foods in the stomach, but already digested foods in the lower intestinal areas are responsible for the painful spasms in the stomach area. In order for our digestive system to stay in good condition, sufficient water is always needed in the body. Especially in summery weather, it happens quickly that we drink too little. Our body naturally "saves" this missing fluid at the point that is the least vital. Quickly the water balance is out of balance, and in the large intestine water is removed from the already digested chyme. The feces unfortunately get hard and dry, so we have problems with the bowel movement. An intestine-friendly diet works wonders here.

Preventively, the daily consumption of broken flax seeds or psyllium is recommended here. These little helpers are not only healthy, they also contain lots of fiber and mucilage. The latter help our digestive system keep more water in the intestinal coils. As a result, the feces moist and slips so better through our intestinal passages. So we can enjoy a quick toilets without pressure pain, without the help of chemical laxatives.

To avoid problems with digestion, let yourself rest enough at the store. (Image: kuleczka / fotolia.com)

Prerequisite for a healthy stomach

Anyone who suffers from stomach ailments should first think about their own eating habits. It is not only crucial what exactly is eaten - just as important are the habits with which we eat. In peace, with enough time for a thorough chewing or just in a hurry, because we are missing the time again? The latter can be "sensitive" to the stomach, as the digestion starts in the mouth.

In order to make it easier for the stomach to work it is important to chew the food well. Because in the mouth already the first digestive juice is released from the salivary gland and thus the digestion is initiated. Through the salivary glands, the enzyme Ptyalin enters the food together with saliva during chewing. As a result, long-chain carbohydrates are already broken down into sugars in the oral cavity. Due to this pre-digestion, our digestive system later has less to do, the ptyalin also continues to work in the stomach.

Another point that speaks for thorough and long chewing: indigestible fiber must necessarily be sufficiently crushed. Especially vegetables and fruits contain different fiber, which can cause problems for sensitive stomachs. Peppers, for example, are difficult to digest for many people and should therefore be minced especially thoroughly in the mouth.

Pay attention to your digestive system - it will accompany you for a lifetime! (Image: ryanking999 / fotolia.com)

Prevent spasms in the stomach through a healthy diet

Probably the most common cause of the discomfort is an unfamiliar or unhealthy diet. When traveling, many people suffer from cramping indigestion, because they are not used to the eating habits abroad and the stomach and intestine are therefore sensitive to this change. At home in the usual environment, usually greasy or overly rich meals are the cause of the discomfort.

Those who are prone to stomach cramps, should pay attention to a healthy and stomach-friendly diet. Many people tolerate several small portions better than three larger meals a day. Ideally, they should be easy to digest and consist of stewed vegetables, rice or potatoes. Roasted, however, is difficult to digest. Also fat should be as little as possible on the menu for people with stomach problems.

For raw food - which is healthy, but not easily digestible - should be taken to stop eating after 18.00 clock. On expanding people abstain with stomach cramps completely. These include, among others, most types of cabbage, fresh yeast pasta, beans, lentils, peas but also immature fruit. Everybody reacts differently to the mentioned foods and even carbonated drinks can cause painful flatulence. What causes a painless "puppet orchestra" in a person can already trigger the most violent stomach cramps in a co-person - others even feel nothing at all. Light soups and spices such as fennel, cumin and ginger are generally suitable for a stomach-friendly diet as they stimulate digestion.

Naturopathic treatment approaches for stomach cramps and numerous other complaints can be found in the "Healing Practices Guide for the stomach and intestines". Here you can buy the guide.

Bitter substances are also good for the stomach as they stimulate the production of digestive juices. These include bitter salads and herbs such as radicchio, endive, chicory or dandelion.

Heavy in the stomach

"Heavy in the stomach" - this proverb refers to matters that hit someone's mind or burden the soul. Our autonomic nervous system is sensitive to unfamiliar living conditions and stress. Indigestion is only part of the visible effects. If diarrhea, constipation or stomach cramps often occur without obvious causes, these digestive problems could also be the so-called irritable bowel syndrome. Our digestive system only finds a balance when our soul is in harmony. For example, meditation and autogenic training are recommended. Also, if too much stress is needed, consider changing your lifestyle. (ag, dp, updated 18/06/2018)