Home remedies for hoarseness

Home remedies for hoarseness /

The best home remedies for self-treatment of hoarseness

There are a variety of effective home remedies for hoarseness, which we would like to introduce below. Hoarseness often occurs in the context of common colds. The voice is rough and brittle, the speech is severe and is partly associated with pain. Sometimes the complaints are also based on a laryngitis, vocal cord or pharyngitis. If the hoarseness persists or occurs without further cold symptoms, a throat, nose and throat specialist should have a look at the vocal cords to rule out vocal cord nodules or other changes. Otherwise, proven home remedies from natural medicine can support the healing and strengthen the voice again.


  • The best home remedies for self-treatment of hoarseness
  • Hoarseness First Aid: Speak Ban and Hot Soup
  • Moist air and ethereal scent
  • Schüssler salts: potassium for hoarseness
  • Healing herbs and gemstones against hoarseness
  • Soothing neck wraps with cottage cheese and onions

Hoarseness First Aid: Speak Ban and Hot Soup

The top priority in hoarseness is to be silent or at least to speak only a little. Especially whispering should be avoided because the vocal cords rub against each other, which rather intensifies the irritation than relieves it.

With hoarseness, you should speak as little as possible to save the voice. (Image: michaelheim / fotolia.com)

If there is a need for warmth, a warm scarf or a potato wrap can be created. For this, three to five boiled potatoes are crushed and spread on a linen cloth. This is then hammered in and put on the neck, then the overlay is covered with a second cloth. The wrap should be worn until no heat emanates from it.

Not only when a cold is at the root, you can take some fasting days with soup and tea right at the beginning of your discomfort. Of course, this also includes the renunciation of irritants such as tobacco smoke, alcohol and spicy spices. The course of the disease can be considerably shortened by these measures.

Moist air and ethereal scent

Dry air increases the discomfort. When hoarseness is therefore to pay attention to sufficient humidity. For this you hang wet towels in the room or put them over the heaters. Alternatively, a bowl of water can be placed on the heater.

If a few drops of essential oils are added, e.g. Peppermint, thyme, lavender or pine needle, they also exude their antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant and relaxing active ingredients. Also soothing is a handkerchief that is drizzled with a few drops of eucalyptus oil and placed overnight next to the pillow.

A humidifier can help to avoid hoarseness. (Image: Lsantilli / fotolia.com)

Schüssler salts: potassium for hoarseness

If the voice becomes brittle and hoarse as part of an incipient cold, so should immediately to the mineral Ferrum phosphoricum (No. 3). Every half hour, one tablet of it may melt in the oral cavity until the acute phase is over. After a few days, the dose may be reduced to three times a day, one tablet daily.

In a laryngeal catarrh, the ingestion of Potassium chlorate (No.4) and Potassium sulphate (No. 6), which are also taken every half an hour in alternation.

If the hoarseness is based on a lower thyroid function, the Schuessler salts can Potassium bromate (No. 14) and Potassium iodatum (# 15) will be helpful. Hoarseness in fatigue and vocal cord paralysis can with Potassium phosphoricum (No 5).

Healing herbs and gemstones against hoarseness

In hoarseness and laryngitis are especially herbs that contain mucilage. A good home remedy is tea made from Icelandic moss, mallow leaves or marshmallow root, because it envelops and caresses the dry, irritated vocal cords.

Coltsfoot has an expectorant effect. For a tea, one to two teaspoons of coltsfoot leaves are doused with a quarter of a liter of hot water and allowed to infuse for ten minutes. Drink two to three cups daily for two to four weeks.

Gargling with chamomile tea, salt water or heated blackberry juice can relieve the discomfort as well as lozenges with Emser salt and Icelandic moss. Thyme or sage candies can help, not least by stimulating the production of saliva and thus ensuring moist mucous membranes.

An effective home remedy for hoarseness are sage sweets. The sucking of the lozenges stimulates the production of saliva, which moistens the dry mucous membranes. (Image: Björn Wylezich / fotolia.com)

If you have gems in the house, you can apply chalcedony and lapis lazuli when hoarseness, which are applied directly or applied or taken as a gemstone tincture in the region of the larynx.

Soothing neck wraps with cottage cheese and onions

A proven and traditional use for throat infections and hoarseness are quark wrap. For this you need ordinary lean quark, which you spread about half a centimeter thick on a cloth. This should be so large that it can be placed about one and a half times around the neck. Pinch the sides of the cloth so that the quark is inside and press the wrap against your neck. For the necessary stability, wrap another dry linen cloth or a woolen scarf over it.

The quark wrap should remain on the neck for about 15 minutes and should be used at least once a day, if necessary more frequently. When it comes to quark, it's important that it does not come straight out of the fridge, but ideally warms to about 18 degrees Celsius. If this is not the case, the roll can be brought to room temperature before application, e.g. put in a plastic bag on a heater.

Onion reels are among the oldest home remedies for hoarseness. For this purpose, three onions are heated in the oven, peeled and minced. Spread the pieces on a linen cloth, beat this and put it around your neck. Then fix the overlay with a second cloth. The onion wrap can be applied up to three times a day and should be left on the neck until it is no longer radiant. (updated on 27.7.2016; jvs, nr)