Home remedies for the flu - That can work!

Home remedies for the flu - That can work! /

Home remedies of naturopathy with a flu

Fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and other cold symptoms all year round. We then speak of flu - but it is in most cases a flu infection. A real flu can be dangerous and it should be clarified with a doctor, whether it is a flu or a flu infection. In addition, a number of home remedies have proven effective against both symptoms, which can provide relief and support the healing process.


  • Home remedies of naturopathy with a flu
  • What helps quickly against the flu? A short overview
  • General tips and behaviors
  • rest and relaxation
  • Drink hot tea
  • Eat chicken soup
  • Pay attention to a good indoor climate
  • Home remedies for fever
  • Relieve body aches
  • Fruit and vegetable juices help
  • Relieve cough, runny nose and sore throat
  • Headache with flu
  • Good for the bronchi
  • How to protect yourself from flu?
  • Hygiene and body contact
  • Protect children and partners from the flu
  • Flu prevention in the office
  • Stay home to protect others

What helps quickly against the flu? A short overview

We can combat very bad infections and colds by strengthening our immune system. This means: lots of sleep, rest and warmth and lots of vitamin C, little stress, little cigarettes and little talk. Hot teas and warm chicken soup can also help alleviate the symptoms. In case of a fever, cold calf rolls have proven to be a home remedy, unless you are already freezing. A hot water bottle on the stomach or an electric blanket in the back provide warmth and relaxation.

Any physical activity such as exercise should be avoided. The same applies to activities such as sauna sessions where you sweat a lot and then quickly cools down. The bedroom temperature should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. Gargle and onion juice can help against the cough and sore throat. And water with iodine tincture, herbal teas and steam inhalations with sage or thyme as well as nasal rinses can help against the cold.

General tips and behaviors

There's no quick panacea to a flu or flu, but these common behaviors can help alleviate the symptoms and get rid of the disease as quickly as possible:

rest and relaxation

In our hectic times, we neglect the most important remedy for flu: tranquility. Our body has good powers against most influenza viruses to heal itself. With home remedies they can only be supported. Prior to all teas, wraps and herbs has to stay at home and look after themselves. If you want to get back to work too quickly, you are just playing with viruses and risking a relapse. All stress should be avoided or kept to a minimum. Also includes:

  • If possible do not answer professional emails
  • Use the smartphone only for elementary things
  • To a great extent not deal with professional or relationship problems
  • The partner should act as a supporter and take on tasks such as dishwashers and take children to kindergarten.
  • When you start to feel better, take short walks, preferably in nature. But do not strain yourself.
  • Sleeping is the best home remedy for flu. (Image: drubig-photo / fotolia.com)

    Drink hot tea

    Tea helps to "hatch" the infection. Elderflower tea is particularly suitable for this purpose, as well as linden blossom, lavender or juniper berry tea. Also, the anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile tea can help against the infection. Ginger tea can help relieve the pain.

    A tip for tea muffle: Hot water with fresh lemon juice can also achieve a pleasant and warming effect.

    You should generally drink a lot with a flu, because you lose a lot of fluid through fever and sweating. At least two liters of water, tea or diluted fruit juices should be taken daily to prevent dehydration. If you are plagued with diarrhea, drink more.

    Eat chicken soup

    A hot chicken soup, freshly made from a chicken and fresh vegetables has an antibacterial effect and inhibits respiratory infections. Added medicinal herbs such as oregano, thyme, sage, rosemary or nettle can intensify this effect. Especially good against a flu infection is when the chicken soup is supplemented with onions, lemon grass, lemon juice, garlic and chilli.

    With flu and flu infections, many people rely on a strong chicken soup. (Image: Thomas Francois / fotolia.com)

    Pay attention to a good indoor climate

    A pleasant indoor climate and the right room temperature are conducive to fighting flu. The room temperature should be around 20 degrees Celsius. Regular airing creates a pleasant humidity and counteracts the dry heating air. Water bowls on the heater or room humidifier can also contribute to a pleasant indoor climate.

    Home remedies for fever

    Fever is one of the leading symptoms of influenza. Light fever helps the body to boost the immune system and defend itself against the infection. Nevertheless, it may be useful to reduce the fever, for example, if the body temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, the fever is perceived as exhausting and stressful, the patient has additional chronic diseases such as heart disease or, in the case of a patient, the Affected pregnant. The following home remedies can help reduce the fever:

    Cold calf wrap
    To make a calf wrap, simply soak a linen or cotton cloth in cool, not too cold water. Alternatively, you can mix the water used with fruit vinegar to intensify the effect. Then put the wet cloth around the calf and then wrap a dry cloth over it. Then repeat the procedure with the other leg. The wrap should linger on the calves for 15 minutes. Detailed instructions and additional information about the calf wrap can be found in the article: Calf Wrap: Instructions, Procedure and Mode of Action.

    Danger: In some cases, calf rolls are not recommended and may even lead to deterioration of the condition. This applies to patients who despite cold temperatures have cold hands and feet, freeze or suffer from chills. Even with an acute urinary tract infection such as cystitis and arterial circulatory disorders should be dispensed with calf.

    Calf rolls are a proven home remedy for fever. However, they are not always recommended. (Image: photophonie / fotolia.com)

    Feet bleed through
    Good blood circulation can help the body fight the flu. An unusual but helpful home remedy is wet socks. The first thing to do is to soak your feet in hot water and then pull on thin cotton socks that have been previously soaked in cold water and wrung out. Above that comes a pair of thick winter socks. The best way to do this is to go to bed and leave the socks on during sleep. Through the wet blood pumps into the feet and this stimulates the circulation throughout the body.

    Relieve body aches

    Flu infections are often associated with body aches. These are perceived by those affected as pain in the muscles, joints or bones and often occur in the arms and legs. A range of home remedies can help with body aches:

    Hot full baths
    Hot body baths can help against body aches, preferably with substances that stimulate the blood flow, such as spruce needles or stinging nettles. The soothing vapors rid the respiratory tract. Danger: Do not bathe too hot if you have a fever. In case of doubt prefer to do without a hot bath.

    Massage with herbal oil
    Body aches can also be relieved by a massage with herbal oils to help fight inflammation. Suitable are chamomile, eucalyptus, comfrey, spruce, goldenrod, camphor, cumin, lavender, almond, menthol, oregano, rosemary, sesame, thyme and willow bark.

    Mustard compresses also help with body aches. For the production of the compresses one needs mustard flour, which is available for example in the pharmacy. Mix four tablespoons of the mustard flour with warm water, spread the mixture on a kitchen towel and wrap around the aching limbs. The mustard compress should not be used more than once a day, and not longer than four days in a row. If a burning sensation develops in the application, the compress should be removed.

    Fever and body aches are the main symptoms of flu. (Image: Elnur / fotolia.com)

    Fruit and vegetable juices help

    If you drink freshly squeezed orange juice, you also provide your body with vitamin C. If you have a juicer, you can combine the necessary intake of liquid with it, adding more vitamins and minerals.

    Vitamin bombs from vegetables and fruits
    Vitamin and energy bombs from which you can squeeze "healing juices" include ginger, carrots, apples, kale, celery and kale, as well as sea buckthorn, blackcurrants, fennel, spinach and tomatoes. Beetroot and sauerkraut are also suitable as juice or as food for flu. An onion can also be squeezed and drunk raw or halved, and the halves are placed next to the pillow at night.

    The disinfecting Kalmus root
    A Kalmus root from the pharmacy can be dipped in lemon juice and chewed well. This has a disinfecting effect. Spit out the solid parts of the root after chewing.

    Chili and black pepper
    You can also add chili and black pepper in slightly clear liquor, heat the mixture and drink.

    Relieve cough, runny nose and sore throat

    Cough, runny nose and sore throat are typical side effects of a flu infection. The following home remedies can help alleviate these plaguing symptoms:

    It helps to inhale hot vapors, either with an inhaler or by putting a towel over your head and inhaling the fumes from a pot. The hot vapors humidify the mucous membranes, open the respiratory tract and release the cough like colds. You can put hot water in a bowl, add chamomile flowers and Japanese mint oil and inhale the vapors from about 30 cm away.

    Inhaling frees the nose, opens the respiratory tract and relieves cold and cough. (Image: Martin Christ / fotolia.com)

    Dry air promotes coughing, while humid air releases it. So put wet towels on the heater, put a bowl of water in your bedroom or use a humidifier.

    Gargle with tea or saline
    Gargling with chamomile tea, sage tea or saline solution can relieve the symptoms of cough and sore throat. Of course, the tea should not be too hot while gargling. Saline solution can be bought for example in the pharmacy.

    onion syrup
    Several times a day, one to two teaspoons of onion syrup can help against cough, runny nose and sore throat. The onion syrup can easily be made by chopping an onion into small cubes and placing it in a closeable container. Add one to two tablespoons of honey or sugar and close the container. A few hours later, the syrup forms in the jar by itself.

    First aid for sore throat
    First aid for sore throat provides lemon juice, dissolved in a glass of hot water, while gargling is more effective than drinking. Hot ginger and sage tea also relieve the pain.

    Headache with flu

    Head-droning, dizziness and headaches belong to a flu-like infection. In contrast, a cold cloth on the neck and on the forehead, peppermint oil on the temples and willow bark tea helps.

    Good for the bronchi

    A flu-like infection often develops into bronchitis. Potato and gherkins can help here.

    potato wrap
    cook the potatoes with peel, then crush them. Put a towel on the chest and the potatoes on top. Then put a second towel on top of the warm mass and tie everything with a scarf. Let the wrap work for one hour.

    narrow gusset
    For the lard wraps, heat 100 g of lard in the pan until it melts. Add some Japanese mint oil or China oil. Allow the mass to cool slightly and lay warm on the chest, cover with old cloth and lie down in bed. If the lard is cold, you can remove the wrap.

    An agent of naturopathy: mint oil. (Image: goldbany / fotolia.com)

    How to protect yourself from flu?

    It's far better than curing homeopathic remedy for a flu infection or a flu, before it even develops. The following behaviors reduce the risk of becoming infected with influenza:

    Hygiene and body contact

    With a rampant flu, two rules are more important than any other: no body contact and careful hygiene. Above all, hygiene means: wash your hands regularly and do not put your fingers unwashed in your mouth. Wash your hands both when you have shaken hands with colleagues, and always before and after meals and after going to the toilet.

    Body contact can not be avoided, but reduced. Also, if it is otherwise not advisable for environmental reasons: Drive car instead of tram or bus. There are hundreds of potentially infected people on public transport who can catch them.

    Keep hands away from the face: nasal mucous membranes, eyes and mouth are entry gates for the pathogens. Avoid rubbing your eyes, drilling your nose or scratching your chin.

    Thorough and regular hand washing can protect against infections. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

    Protect children and partners from the flu

    Of course, if partners and / or their children become ill, you can not completely avoid physical contact. Especially for children, emotional support is important. Now, not hugging your children makes the disease worse. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to the following things:

  • If you kiss your child or partner, avoid contact with mucous membranes, so do not come close to your mouth, nose or eyes.
  • Wipe your children's nose, mouth and eyes regularly with a damp cloth, preferably soaked in chamomile tea.
  • Do not drink from the same cup.
  • Avoid encouraging your little kid to eat with "A spoonful for dad, a spoon for you".
  • Flu prevention in the office

    The following behaviors can help not get infected at work:

  • Ventilate closed rooms, because viruses are collecting here. Ventilate at least three to four times a day. Also at home you should always ventilate well, because otherwise their viruses "jam" in the room.
  • For a flu time, permanent jobs are important. Even if employees usually change desks, you should keep fixed workplaces away from each other for the duration of the wave.
  • If possible, hold office meetings via Skype. To avoid personal contacts with potentially infected people.
  • Can you work from home? If so, they do that.
  • If you have already caught a cough, then do not hold your hand over your mouth when you cough, or better, the jacket or a handkerchief.
  • Clean your nose with disposable handkerchiefs and then dispose of them, otherwise you carry the viruses around with you.
  • Wipe the keyboard of your laptop with a damp cloth at least once a day, as well as your desk.
  • Stay home to protect others

    If you have already caught a flu infection, stay at home. It is indeed one of the "German virtues" to go to work with a fever and thus prove his sense of duty. However, this behavior does not help anyone, because, firstly, they do less ill at work and, secondly, infect their colleagues. (Dr. Utz Anhalt, updated on 12.02.2018, vb)