Plum or plum? This keeps the fruit fresh

Plum season has begun: White layer keeps the fruits fresh
Plum lovers can rejoice: The season of domestic fruits has started earlier this year due to the long heat period and is currently gaining momentum. The tasty and healthy fruit should be washed shortly before consumption. Experts explain why this is so and also what to look for when buying the fruits.
Full of healthy vitamins and minerals
Plums and plums are not only delicious, but also provide the body with vitamins A and E as well as B and minerals such as iron, magnesium and copper. Since the fruits are rich in fiber, they are often also used to stimulate digestion or as a home remedy for constipation. 100 grams of plums have only about 50 calories and are therefore ideal for a light and deliberate diet. Experts have some important tips on what to look for when buying and storing the fruit.

Not all plums are plums
Plum and plum are two different varieties. Both belong to the rose plants. This is indicated by the Federal Association of Producer Organizations Fruits and Vegetables (BVEO) on its portal "German Fruit and Vegetables".
As the experts explain, the plum is a subspecies of the plum. It is characterized by an oblong-oval shape and is slightly smaller than the plum. Depending on the variety, the variety of the fruit ranges from aromatic-mild to fine-sour.
The mostly blue-violet fruits have a yellow flesh that dissolves easily from the stone. And that too is a distinguishing criterion: the stone is elongated, flat and pointed on both sides.
The plum, however, is rather roundish and has a pronounced abdominal suture. Also, the stone is rather round and bulbous and the pulp is usually red and tastes very sweet.
Color can also make a difference: Plums are - except in dark blue - in red, yellow and green.
Fruits do not ripen
According to BVEO, when shopping, make sure that the plums and plums are not too firm.
Because they belong to the so-called climacteric fruits and do not ripen. A perfectly ripened fruit can be recognized by the fact that the skin of the fruit is plump and gives way under light finger pressure.
However, people who suffer from fructose intolerance should rather forego ripe fruits because they contain a lot of fructose.
White layer protects the fruit from drying out
Plums are naturally covered in a whitish layer, which should be washed off immediately before eating as it protects the fruit from drying out.
According to the experts, plums and plums stay in the fridge for two to three days, depending on the variety, for a maximum of one week.
Pickled fruits can also be frozen. Then the fruity delicacies are stable for up to one year. (Ad)