Two-thirds advocate vaccination for children

Two-thirds advocate vaccination for children / Health News

Two-thirds are responsible for vaccination for children


For years, the meaning of certain vaccinations is debated. Only in the past few days was again warned that many schoolchildren without vaccine protection against measles. A survey has now revealed that two-thirds of Germans are in favor of a general obligation to vaccinate.

Parents can decide on vaccinations for their children
The legal situation in Germany so far provides that parents can decide for themselves whether they want to vaccinate their children at all, and if, against which infectious diseases or not. The debate has now rekindled after the fall of the little Aliana from Hesse. The girl is suffering from chronic measles brain inflammation (SSPE). The four-year-old will die of measles. It has been reported in the past few days that if her mother had been vaccinated, the girl might not have been hurt.

Majority of Germans for vaccination
A survey by the Forsa Institute commissioned by the magazine „star“ was carried out, now shows how the German citizens to vaccination for children. At 67 percent, "a large majority support a general duty to vaccinate, and 30 percent oppose it." As the magazine writes, "among the advocates East German respondents with 83 percent are significantly more represented than West German (64 percent)". And even among the over-60s, "76 percent think it is desirable to vaccinate". A total of 1,003 representatively selected German citizens had been interviewed.

The opinions on measles in particular differ
For years, arguments have been exchanged, in particular on the measles importation of pros and cons. For example, vaccine critics say that there are alternatives and point out possible side effects that may occur after vaccination, such as fever, fatigue, headache or redness, pain and swelling at the injection site. But not only the majority of respondents, but also the vast majority of experts in Germany are in favor of vaccination. Among them, the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), which strongly recommends vaccination, because not only the individual as family members, but indirectly also infants who can not yet be vaccinated, protected. (Ad)

Picture: Martin Büdenbender