Two-thirds of people in Germany do not know about family history

According to a survey, about two-thirds of Germans can provide no or only partial information about possible familial pre-existing conditions. Health experts advise getting as much information as possible about such diseases in order to better prevent them.
Many know too little about family history
According to a representative survey carried out by the health insurer IKK classic, two-thirds of Germans either provide information on possible familial pre-existing conditions (42 percent) or only partially (26 percent). This ignorance is particularly great in men and in the age group 30 to 39 - every second respondent from these two groups can not give any information. In addition, every sixth German citizen did not know where to get information about it, should he be asked at the doctor or in the hospital.

It is best to ask the mother
Especially the age group 50 plus, according to the study has problems to get information. This has to do with the fact that the first source of information for this topic is their own mother, which older Germans may not be able to ask, according to the study authors. Four out of ten citizens (41 percent), who are not fully aware of their family history, would turn to their mother. Only seven percent of the respondents believed that their father or sibling could also provide information.
Check-ups and adapted lifestyle
"Everyone should inform themselves about familial pre-existing conditions in order to take the necessary preventive check-ups and, if necessary, adapt their lifestyle," explained Michael Förstermann, press spokesman for the IKK classic. "It's best not to waste time and ask anyone who might know about it. The GP of the family, for example, is a good source of information. "In the future, measures that the so-called" E-Health Law "envisages might also be helpful. Among other things, it is planned that from 2018 more information - including pre-existing diseases - should be stored on the health card.
"Two is Better"
While previous research has shown that women promote men's health, partly because they tend to be on check-ups, the latest survey finds that both genders have a primary responsibility for keeping medical appointments. "The fact that both sexes in multi-person households see as the main responsible, is surprising, but in the result good, because twice holds better," said Förstermann. "If both pay attention to the provision of other household members, the risk of missing appointments is reduced." (Ad)