Back-switching from PKV to SHI
There are a few exceptions, where a change back to the statutory health insurance is possible
There are a few ways to switch from PKV to GKV. These gaps have allowed the legislature to help people in special emergencies. In principle, however, the way back is closed. We show, however, when a change from the private one into the legal cash register is possible.
It is tempting: Especially at the beginning of a self-employment costs must be saved. The private health insurance attract with super offers of sometimes less than 300 euros a month. Who is still young, without children and healthy, paid in the private health insurance much less. But with increasing age and changes in living conditions, the contributions also increase, sometimes many times over. Many then wish the way back to the statutory health insurance (GKV). However, so that the principle of solidarity is not overridden, a later change in principle is impossible. Otherwise many would pay little at the PKV at a young age and later in the older age in the „safe harbor“ to return to the GKV. A few exceptions to back-switching exist, as Timo Voss of Federation of insured stressed.
Employees: Falling income clears way to switch back
Not only the self-employed can switch to private health insurance. The same applies to salaried employees earning more than € 50,850 gross a year. For them, the statutory compulsory insurance is eliminated because they can choose between private health insurance and SHI. Remains or increases the salary, the way back to the GKV is locked forever. But: For those who earned less than the insurance exemption limit due to a change of occupation or work, can switch back to the GKV. The income limit for employees who were already privately insured in 2002 amounts to € 45,900 gross per year. That means you have to earn less than 45,900 euros to switch.
Former self-employed can change when they are employed again
Self-employed persons can basically decide for themselves which insurance form they choose. It does not matter how much they earn. A change back is not possible for self-employed, unless they give up their self-employment and switch back to an employee relationship. However, the possibility to switch back is only given if the annual gross salary does not exceed the mandatory insurance limit of 50,850 euros (or before 2002 45,900 euros). This means that the salary must be below the mandatory limit, otherwise employees also have to remain in the private fund after being self-employed.
Back-switching at unemployment
Employees who are privately insured and lose their job and then receive the unemployment benefit I can also switch from health insurance to health insurance. But things are different for Hartz IV recipients. Here no change may happen. However, unemployment benefit II beneficiaries have the right to full takeover of a base rate.
Older people
If the insured persons of the PKV have passed the age of 55, a return to the statutory health insurance is excluded. This is true even if unemployment would occur. The only way out is to downgrade to a cheaper rate. Insurance experts advise financially distressed to choose a base rate. This corresponds to the health benefits of the statutory health insurance. Legislators have ensured that private health insurance providers can not reject a request for a basic tariff. „But it happens again and again that insurance companies cross, then only the way to the consumer center helps“, advises Thomas Liebermann, insurance expert from Hanover. The special at the base rate: This is based not on the health of the policyholder but on the age and gender. However, income does not play a role in the calculation of contributions.
Spouse arrangements to change
Spouses have very few exceptions. If, for example, one of them is legally insured and the other is privately insured, under certain circumstances the latter may switch to SHI. Access to the statutory family co-insurance is possible if the partner, who is to be insured, has no income, an income below 375 euros or a mini-job. For all others, a change is out of the question. „There are therefore hardly any options to switch back to SHI“, stresses Liebermann. Therefore, career starters should consider a decision carefully, says Voss. (Sb)
Image: Barbara Eckholdt