Too much sport is unhealthy

Too much sport can also be unhealthy. Those who are constantly exercising beyond their performance limits may become more susceptible to infections.
Sport generally promotes health and strengthens the body's defense mechanisms. But whoever exaggerates the sport and overburdens his body, can also get sick fast. This was pointed out by the Center for Health of the German Sport University Cologne.
This is not good news for sports muffle, but rather a hint for sports fanatics. Because those who constantly train their bodies beyond the performance limits are also more susceptible to infections. That's what sports scientist Prof. Ingo Froböse said. The phenomenon is mainly found in top athletes. In general, recreational athletes are better protected because they effectively "train" their immune system. However, many overwhelm their organism almost unnoticed because they are constantly at the limits of their own performance limits to achieve better results. "And that weakens the immune system," explains the expert Prof. Ingo Froböse.
Excessive exercise can weaken the body and make it more susceptible to infection
When the body is weakened, pathogens can spread quickly. However, if the sports are moderately run, the hormone adrenalin supports the immune system right from the start. Through continuous training, the immune system becomes stronger and more effective. "More defense cells develop, and their defense is qualitatively constantly improved," said the sports expert Froböse. However, if the burden on the body is too great, then the organism suffers. Increasingly, the hormone cortisol is released, which increasingly weakens the immune system of humans. "Especially after a hard training session, the immune system then returns its activity excessively - it comes to the 'open-window phenomenon'," explains Froböse. If the so-called window is open, the pathogens can spread. This condition is not only observed during sports, but even hours and days afterwards. Sport should therefore always be in the right dose. In addition, you should give the body enough time to recover after a strenuous exercise session. (sb, 13.10.2010)
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Picture credits: Siegfried Fries