Cinnamon Beneficial for the intestine with antibacterial effects

Many people associate with the advent season the smell of cinnamon and pine needles. Cinnamon is a spice that is often used at Christmas time. Many pastries and gingerbread, but also rice pudding, plum jam or baked apples are refined with it. In the cold season, cinnamon is also often used to give punch and mulled wine a special taste. The spice should also have some positive effects on our health. According to the consumer information service aid, cinnamon oil is said to have an antibacterial effect and to inhibit the growth of fungi and to promote intestinal movement.
The spice is extracted from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree. Although only Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon play an important role in Europe, there are several hundred types of spice worldwide. The Ceylon cinnamon comes from Sri Lanka and is known for its fine, subliminal aroma, so the message of aid. Usually, cinnamon sticks are made from this very high quality material. Cassia cinnamon is also known as Chinese cinnamon. The spice has a tart to slightly sweet flavor, is usually ground and then further processed as a powder. With cinnamon powder, it is hardly distinguishable for the consumer from which kind of cinnamon this was made. However, Ceylon cinnamon is usually excellently prized, as this particular type of spice is higher quality, less frequent and therefore more expensive. It is different with cinnamon sticks. According to the aid, differences in quality can be clearly seen here: with the more expensive Ceylon cinnamon, only a single, thick layer of the bark is rolled up. In contrast, cassia cinnamon rolls are made from some fine layers of bark. When stored properly, cinnamon can retain its aroma for up to three years. It should be noted that the cinnamon is stored dark and dry.

Ceylon cinnamon better tolerated
The high quality Ceylon cinnamon contains a higher amount of essential oils than the inferior variants of the spice. Both Ceylon and Cassia cinnamon contain coumarin. This ingredient is said to cause liver problems. For this reason, people should be careful not to consume too much cinnamon, consumer information service said. It is important to consider that Cassia cinnamon contains more coumarin than the higher quality Ceylon cinnamon.
A person weighing 60 kilograms could consume about two grams of cassia cinnamon daily without adversely affecting his health. This amount corresponds to about a level teaspoon of the spice. People who consume a lot of cinnamon daily should therefore use the low-ceria Ceylon cinnamon better, reports the aid. It is suggested that children do not consume large quantities of products that contain a lot of cinnamon. These may include, for example, cinnamon stars. During the Christmas season a little attention is paid to the sweetness of the children. (As)