Repotting house plants only every other year

Houseplants often require special care, with many flower lovers, inter alia, put on an annual repot. However, indoor plants do not have to be repotted every year, according to the news agency "dpa", citing the Central Association of Horticulture. According to the experts, it is enough to transplant the plants into a new pot every two years.
Two-year repotting is according to the Central Association of horticulture the ideal rhythm for indoor plants, according to the announcement of the "dpa". A good time is in the spring. If in doubt, the plants themselves would indicate whether there is a need for repotting. If the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot or beyond the edge of the pot, then the time has come for a new pot. According to the Central Association of Horticulture, this is usually the case every two years.
Proper pot size and the potting decisive
When repotting is according to the experts to make sure that the pot has the right size. This must be further than the previous, but should not be more than one or two numbers larger, so the message of "dpa", citing the Central Association of horticulture in Bonn. In order to achieve optimal development of indoor plants, a special, high-quality substrate for indoor plants should be recommended. This has a loose, crumbly structure and the ratio of coarse to fine components is ideal for rooting. Here, the roots find sufficient support and also get air and oxygen, which is important for healthy development, reports the news agency "dpa" with reference to the horticultural association.
After repotting, do without fertilizer
According to the experts of the Central Association of Horticulture, the special soil is also suitable for palms and ferns, according to the "dpa". In contrast, de soil remains unsuitable for moor-bed plants, orchids and cacti. For bog plants would, for example, require a substrate with a particularly low pH. The special substrates are often mixed with so-called respiratory flakes of natural volcanic rock, which improves the structural stability and ensures a uniform water supply in the root area. According to the news agency, hobby gardeners should refrain from fertilising houseplants after repotting for around six weeks. (Fp)
Image: Maja Dumat