Time of flu shot is not always good

What you should know about the flu shot
Many people are currently considering a flu shot. Physicians usually recommend this precautionary measure as early as the autumn, because the immunization takes two weeks to become effective. Usually, the flu epidemic occurs only at the turn of the year, so that there is still sufficient time to build up the vaccine protection. Whether a flu vaccine makes sense, everyone must decide for themselves. Because a vaccine can also have side effects.
Certain groups of people will be advised to take the flu vaccine
The Ständige Impfkommission (Stiko) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) advises in principle to all people over the age of 60, pregnant women, the chronically ill as well as residents of retirement or nursing homes to the flu vaccine. For these groups, a serious illness is not uncommon, explains Professor Elisabeth Pott of the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) to the news agency „dpa“. In addition, the Stiko advises people on a flu vaccine, working professionally in the care or often come in contact with people at high risk of infection.
In the ideal case, doctors recommend these groups to have a vaccine in the fall, because at that time the risk of catching the true flu is still very low. Whether even a flu shot makes sense, Pott answers clearly: „Yes, in any case, it's worth it. You should preferably get vaccinated in October and November, but it always makes sense to get vaccinated before the onset of the flu epidemic. "Mostly, the seasonal flu starts around the turn of the year and reaches its peak in February. „It takes about 14 days after the vaccine to fully protect, "says Pott. „It is therefore recommended not to wait until the flu episode is there. "Otherwise you risk having already been infected.
For children and adolescents between the ages of two and 17 years, according to the expert, since the last flu season, a live vaccine in the form of a nasal spray has been approved. According to Stiko, this is especially useful for children between two and six years, because he works better than the dead vaccine.
Adverse effects and risks of influenza vaccination
„Basically, the vaccine is well tolerated, "explains Pott. „Serious side effects are very rare. "However, redness around the puncture site would occasionally occur, as well as symptoms such as tiredness, mild muscle aches and shivering.
Opponents of the flu vaccine indicate further side effects of influenza vaccine. Since the inoculants in addition to the active ingredients also consist of preservatives based on formaldehyde and mercury compounds, severe allergies and intolerances may occur. The risk of infection could also be reduced by simple hygienic measures, argue many representatives of natural remedies. For example, regular hand washing, coughing and sneezing in the crook of the arm or in a disposable handkerchief are effective measures to protect against infections anyway.
As a further argument, vaccination critics cite not 100 percent protection of the flu vaccine. As the flu virus is subject to constant mutations, a flu can never be completely ruled out by a seasonal vaccination, because it can only ever protect against the current virus type. In addition, a flu vaccine protects only from the influenza. This is also confirmed by Pott: „It is no less susceptible to infections.“ (Ag)