Schedule times of leisure more purposefully

Times of leisure have become scarce in the modern working world, which according to experts also contributes to the increased mental health problems of employees. In addition, there is little room for the development of fundamentally new ideas. Professor Norbert Rohleder of the University of Mainz reported in his lecture tomorrow "Leisure - Reasons for inaction" at the University Center for Continuing Education (HZW) of the "key findings and recommendations on this topic," said the announcement of the University of Mainz.
As an example of the importance of leisure in the development of new ideas called Prof. Rohleder, who is also the author of the essay "leisure for managers", the gravitational theory of Isaac Newton (1643-1727), which was allegedly developed by the latter, while this relaxed sat under an apple tree and pondered over a falling apple. Had Newton been under the current stress of the day, his groundbreaking theory might never have occurred to him. In his analysis of the modern world of work, the economist Professor Rohleder therefore paid special attention to the (no longer existing) periods of leisure.

Stressed workers would help more idle times
"The German workers are stressed - above all managers who manage the fortunes of companies," said the announcement of the University of Mainz. Many executives would be under immense strain given the extremely high workload, constant (online) accessibility, massive overtime, after-work and weekend work, and many other factors. The price for it is not rare burnout as a result of chronic overloading as well as the breaking of private relations among further problems. Rohleder sees a key here at leisure to avoid the stress that so many workers in Germany complain about, reports the news agency "dpa". Other experts would also emphasize the importance of leisure.
Return to the principle of leisure
"We have a large volume of work and at the same time has increased the time pressure," Rohleder is quoted by the news agency "dpa". The chronic overload leads to detectable days off. The burden has also been confirmed by a Bertelsmann Foundation study published in March, according to which 18 percent of the full-time employees surveyed reach their performance limits and 23 percent do not take any breaks at work. Here the return to the principle of leisure in the opinion of the expert could contribute significantly to the improvement. "Leisure is not antiquated, although many may think so," cites the "dpa" Professor Rohleder. However, this should not be confused with the evening hanging in front of the television. "It's not sloth. And it is not only reserved for life artists, "says Rohleder. Rather, leisure means having time for oneself, which serves no external purpose.
Shift in social values
The science editor of the weekly "Die Zeit", Ulrich Schnabel, has dedicated a complete book to the subject of "leisure - the happiness of idleness" in which he describes why leisure has become a threatened resource and where today there are still "islands of leisure". can be found. Labor pressure and the need for permanent communication would make many people hardly rest. "But philosophers have long known that mind and soul need creative breaks," says Schnabel. But social values have shifted. Previously, the times of leisure were actually the most important in life and the working hours were subordinate to these or merely the means to make them possible, quotes the news agency "dpa" the experts. Today, this has been reversed and leisure are the little recreational times we allow ourselves to do as much as possible again.
Performance pressure Cause of increasing mental health problems
According to Iris Hauth, President of the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN), one of the main reasons for the increased mental health problems among employees is the steady performance idea, according to the news agency "dpa". Although burnout is not a disease but a risk condition according to the current classification system, these symptoms now seem to go through all occupational groups. Shutdown times are therefore important. According to the expert, these should be scheduled during the week and on weekends. However, a meticulous balance of free time is counterproductive here. "It is essential to have leisure without a guilty conscience, just relax, for example, sitting in the countryside and let nature work on you," the DGPPN president is quoted by the "dpa". This resulted in Newton's idea of gravitational theory, but it can simply serve psychological well-being - without groundbreaking insights. (Fp)