Dentists warn of nipple bottle caries

Many infants suffer from early dental damage
Tooth decay in infants is an increasingly common phenomenon, contrary to the general decay of caries in the population, said the Federal Dental Association (BZÄK) and the Federal Dental Association (KZBV) at a joint press conference. Often, the parents often go to a dentist far too late and there is a lack of dental screening, especially before the 30th month of life, according to the experts.
In order to efficiently counteract caries in infants, the Federal Dentistry Association of the Federal Dentists and the Federal Association of Pediatric Dentists (BuKiZ), the German Midwives Association (DHV) and under the scientific supervision of the University of Greifswald have developed a care concept that was presented to the public in Berlin today. The Chairman of the Board of the KZBV, Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Eßer, explained that „so far dental early detection measures in the statutory health insurance provided only from the 30th month of life“ are, which is clearly too late. Here the expert demanded „a dental-preventive care by the dentist from the first deciduous tooth.“
Lack of oral hygiene as a cause of milk tooth caries
According to the information provided by the KZBV „Caries as the most common chronic disease in preschool children.“ While adult dental health has improved significantly in recent decades, tooth decay is a growing problem in infants. Experts estimate that up to 15 percent of toddlers suffer from deciduous caries. The BZÄK, KZBV, BuKiZ and DHV experts emphasized that there was a need for action at their joint press conference. The experts cited the lack of knowledge of many parents about proper oral hygiene as the main cause of the neonatal tooth damage, but also the sucking on the feeding bottle with fruit juices or sweetened tea. Susanne Steppat, board member of the DHV, explained that mothers themselves „especially interested in information concerning the health of their babies after birth. However, the experiences of midwives show that mothers rarely think about oral hygiene.“
Impairment of language development and permanent teeth possible
According to Professor Christian Splieth of the University of Greifswald, the consequences of neglected oral hygiene can be far-reaching, because in the worst case, deciduous caries leads to the loss of teeth even in toddlers. In addition to the pain that is directly associated with the caries, with an early loss of the deciduous teeth, where appropriate, the chewing ability, speech development and the development of permanent teeth affected, said the expert. „The quality of life of children and parents is significantly reduced by the Nuckelflaschenkaries“, this is the conclusion of Prof. Splieth.
Early detection tests for infants required
According to Susanne Steppat (DHV), one approach to avoid tooth decay in toddlers is to make tooth health more important for mothers during pregnancy and to improve the provision of information on preventive care after childbirth. In their jointly developed concept, the experts demand under the title „Avoid early childhood caries“, that for „Toddlers between the 6th and 30th Month of life, three systematic early detection medical examinations“ introduced and im „yellow booklet“ documented for medical child examinations. These early detections should „include preventive and health education measures.“ The costs are to be borne by the health insurance companies, which have so far not been completely convinced of the approach.
All children should be familiar with the new concept „the same chances of a healthy life“ be opened, reports the KZBV. Professor Dietmar Oesterreich, Vice President of the BZÄK, explained the purpose of the new concept: „We have an ambitious goal. By 2020, 80 percent of 6-year-olds will be caries free.“ The developed approach would show health policy and health insurance companies possible solutions to the existing supply problem. (Fp)
Picture: Heike