Number of donor organs removed increased slightly

Number of donor organs removed increased slightly / Health News
Slight increase in the number of donor organs removed
Nationwide, more than 10,000 Schwerkanke patients and patients wait for a donor organ. Many of them have little chance of receiving a life-saving organ. Although a majority of Germans would be prepared to donate organs after death, not even one in three has an organ donor card. Nevertheless, in some regions the number of organs removed has risen again.

More life-saving organs needed
According to the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO), more than 10,000 seriously ill patients in Germany are currently waiting for a donor organ. Some have to be taken off the waiting list because of poor general condition, others die because no organ is available on time. While it is gratifying that the number of organ donors has risen again after years of decline, these are still far from sufficient. Thus, only a few weeks ago a statistic was published, according to which every eight hours a patient dies because of missing organ donors.

More than 10,000 people in Germany are currently waiting for a donor organ. The number of organs removed in Saxony-Anhalt has recently risen again slightly. Unfortunately, not even every third German citizen has an organ donor card. (Image: Alexander Raths /

More donor organs removed
In some regions, however, there seem to be improvements. According to the news agency dpa, physicians in Saxony-Anhalt have taken more donor organs from their deaths in the first four months of this year than in the same period of the previous year. A spokeswoman for the DSO in Frankfurt am Main stated that 17 people had been removed from the relevant hospitals in the country. According to the information, there were only twelve organ donors in 2015 during the same period. According to the DSO, a total of 120 institutions were deployed in the country last year, compared with 97 in 2014. According to the Foundation, the slight fluctuations are normal.

Only one in three has an organ donor card
A survey by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) recently showed that the population has a predominantly positive attitude to organ donation. Nevertheless, less than a third have an organ donor card. "It is good that 81 percent of all people in Germany, the organ and tissue donation are open-minded," said Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe in the publication of the results. But: "I wish that more people in Germany make a conscious decision and stick to an organ donor card. Because this decision can save lives. "(Ad)