Will the US Epidemic Agency be censored by the Trump government?

Will the US Epidemic Agency be censored by the Trump government? / Health News

Trump government banishes words from documents of the epidemic authority

According to a Washington Post report, the US government has submitted a list of seven banned words to CDC, which is not allowed to be used in certain documents. In particular, these are documents relating to the budget for the coming year. The Prohibited List includes the words "transgender", "vulnerable", "fetus", "diversity", "eligibility", "scientific basis" and "evidence-based". Instead, the government suggested alternative formulations. Rather than "on a scientific basis" or "on the basis of evidence", "The CDC bases its recommendations on science, taking into account public standards and desires".

Unbelieving reactions

The censorship list was handed over to senior staff by senior CDC officials last Thursday, Washington Post said. These reacted with disbelief and incredulity. A longtime CDC analyst told the newspaper that he has never experienced such a step backwards from ideological foundations.

The list of prohibited words for the epidemic could, according to health experts, have implications for the entire American healthcare system. In particular, minorities are affected. Picture: kieferpix - fotolia.com

What are the duties of the disease authority??

The CDC has over 12,000 employees and reports to the Ministry of Health. It has an annual budget of around six billion euros. Their diverse responsibilities include food and drinking water safety, combating cardiovascular and cancers, disease prevention and infectious diseases. The CDC is not only active in the US, but operates worldwide.

Medical resistance

Dr. Sandro Galea of ​​Boston University's School of Public Health published an article arguing against censorship. According to Galea, health officials would lose censorship on accurate assessment of specific issues. These include the spread of AIDS. Also, the persecution of the Zika virus, which occurs primarily in pregnant women, is impossible without the word "fetus". Galea denounces the limitation of ways to fight diseases that affect minorities in particular. If the health service can not do its job, everyone will suffer, even if the word "vulnerable" is banned.

The gay community announces consequences

According to the Washington Post, human rights activist Chad Griffin also complained about the ignorant censorship. He is president of the Human Rights Campaign, one of America's largest groups for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. In a Twitter message, he wrote: "Your ignorant attempts to eradicate the transgender community will have consequences. We will face your hatred with more volume and visibility. "(Fp)