Important to lose weight What are these empty calories?

Important to lose weight What are these empty calories? / Health News
Healthy diet with nutrient-rich foods
When it comes to nutrition, the term "empty calories" keeps cropping up. Those who want to lose weight should do without them, according to the advice of health experts. But what does "empty" mean in this context? And where are the empty calories stuck??

Calories indicate the energy content
Those who want to lose some weight tend to pay attention to the amount of calories they eat and drink throughout the day. Calories are a measure of the energy content of foods, explains the Bavarian Consumer Center. The experts recommend to abstain from a desired weight loss, especially on foods with "empty" calories. But what does it exactly mean?

In sweets, white flour products and alcoholic drinks are many "empty" calories. Image: Syda Productions - fotolia

Sweets provide only few vital substances
The term "empty calories" is intended to make it clear that a food, although many calories, but little vital nutrients such. Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and certain protein building blocks, informs the consumer center. These foods include mainly sweets, white flour products and greasy savory biscuits such as potato chips. Many empty calories can also be found in sugary drinks as well as lemonade and cola as well as in alcohol.

Better choose fruits and vegetables
Anyone who wants to lose weight should therefore be better able to access foods with a high nutrient density, the experts advise. Because these have only a few calories, but plenty of valuable nutrients. The more of these are contained in a food, the better it is for the body and the health. For example, vegetables, legumes, low-fat dairy and lean meats are high in nutrient density. For example, healthy leeks are considered to be power vegetables, asparagus also has low calories and many vitamins. (No)