Important judgment on Bach flowers

Important judgment on Bach flowers / Health News

Important verdict on Bach flowers: No application with health claims


Bach flower products should not be advertised with health claims. This has the Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Hamm concluded. This may have implications for your practice that you should know.

The court had prohibited the advertising of a mail-order pharmacy, because they advertise with unspecific benefits for the health of well-being, which is not allowed in the case of Bach flowers.

The court did not in any case refer to a violation of the Advertising Advertising Act. The reference standard was rather the European Union's Health Claims Regulation (HCVO), which is binding for all EU member states. As the Bach flower remedies have been classified as food, no health-related statements may be made to them that are not approved as so-called health claims and listed in a list in the HCVO - which they are not with regard to Bach flowers.

The effects of this verdict on your advertising with a Bach flower therapy can be queried by providing BDH members with background information and guidance through a request to the legal department of the BDH. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the keyword „Bach flower therapy“ and specifying your BDH membership number. (Pm)

Picture: Luise