Important recall at Edeka Plastik discovered in liverwurst

Important recall at Edeka Plastik discovered in liverwurst / Health News

Because of plastic part: Recall for liver sausage from Edeka

The Fleischwarenfabrik Albert Schiller KG has started a recall for the product "Schiller Leberwürstchen frisch" (individual weight approx. 150g). In one of the affected sausages a plastic part had been found. Consumption of the product sold in Edeka stores is not recommended.

Recall for liver sausages

The Fleischwarenfabrik Albert Schiller KG recalls the product "Schiller Leberwürstchen frisch" (individual weight approx. 150g), which was sold in the period from 29.01.2018 to 02.02.2018 via serving counters of certain Edeka stores in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Saxony. "The reason for the precautionary product recall is that in one of the affected sausages a red plastic part of about 5 mm wide and 7 mm long was found," the company writes in a statement.

The Fleischwarenfabrik Albert Schiller KG recalls the product "Schiller Leberwürstchen frisch" (individual weight approx. 150g). In one of the affected sausages, which were sold in certain Edeka branches, a plastic part had been found. (Image: fineart-collection /

Goods were taken out of the sale after the debris discovery

A list of affected branches can be found in the communication published by the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety on its portal "".

"Although it is a one-off find, nevertheless it can not be ruled out that further foreign bodies are present in the product", it is said there.

According to the information, the affected product was removed from the sale immediately after the discovery of the foreign body finding and consumers informed by notices in the stores about this.

Consumption of the affected product is not recommended

"Consumers who bought the mentioned product in the period from 29.01.2018 to 02.02.2018 in the aforementioned stores, is advised against the consumption of the product," warns the meat products manufacturer.

Other products of the company Albert Schiller KG or other batches of the product that were not sold in the mentioned branches, are not affected.

"Customers who have purchased the product can return it in the respective markets and receive a refund of the purchase price", even without presentation of the receipt. (Ad)