Important checkups for men

Important checkups for men / Health News

Especially cancer screening at the urologist is neglected


Medical progress today makes it possible to cure many serious diseases. Especially in cancer therapy, there are now often good prospects for complete recovery. Prerequisite: the early diagnosis of cancer at a stage where it still causes no symptoms. Above all, men go far too rarely to check-ups and so let the chance to detect a tumor disease and fight, pass unused. Special urine tests, blood analyzes, stool samples, palpation and ultrasound examinations give quick and uncomplicated information about the state of health.

„Screening is not painful, usually takes less than ten minutes and gives a high level of safety. Especially between the ages of 18 and 35, they can decisively influence future well-being,“ explains Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and managing director of the medical network Uro-GmbH Nordrhein. For example, it is possible to determine in the blood a specific protein, also called a prostate-specific antigen, whose value allows conclusions to be drawn regarding a possible malignant disease of the prostate. The correct interpretation of this PSA value, however, requires a lot of experience and a regular measurement.

In addition, there is a tumor marker for bladder cancer in urine, which is why urologists recommend a qualified urine test to smokers in particular. In addition, they perform an ultrasound examination with which they examine not only the bladder but also all other organs of the urinary tract, such as kidneys and ureters, and the prostate gland for pathological changes. The prostate cancer screening program also includes a palpation and transrectal ultrasound. The ultrasound examination via the intestine gives the specialist far better information about the size and shape of the prostate than just palpation because it only reaches one third of the organ. „Thanks to technical advancements, fears of pain are also unfounded here and can be taken directly from tissue samples if necessary,“ noticed Dr. Shepherd. In addition, many urologists offer an immunological stool test for the prevention of colon cancer.

So far, some of these measures are not included in the catalog of benefits of statutory health insurance and is a thorough urological examination until the age of 45 on. „However, when male relatives such as father, grandfather or uncle suspect hereditary bias, this is completely inadequate,“ emphasizes Shepherd. (Pm)