Important behaviors influenced by the fragrance Hedion

Important behaviors influenced by the fragrance Hedion / Health News
Perfume Hedion has been shown to affect our behavior
In many cases, the effects of so-called pheromones on human behavior have been discussed in the past. In most cases, the possible effects on the choice of partner were in the foreground, but also possible influencing of purchasing decisions by special fragrances was quite an issue. In fact, the use of fragrances is already widely used in commerce today. The extent to which interpersonal communication via the pheromones takes place remains controversial.

Here, a new "interdisciplinary study of olfactory and behavioral researchers from the Universities of Berne, Cologne and Bochum could give new impetus to research," according to the Communication from the University of Cologne. The study suggests that the floral fragrance Hedion affects human behavior. According to the researchers, so-called reciprocal behaviors are intensified by the fragrance, in which we tend to respond to the behavior of our counterpart with similar behavior. (friendly speech, friendly answer). The researchers published their findings in the journal "Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience".

The effects of fragrances and pheromones on human behaviors have not been conclusively resolved. However, a recent study suggests that the influence on interpersonal behavior may be more widespread than often assumed. (Image: puhhha /

Hedion activates a specific brain region
According to the researchers, in behavioral economic laboratory studies, Hedion has significantly increased reciprocal behaviors following the motto "As you tell me, as I see you." These results are also important because hedione has previously been identified as the first fragrance that excites a human pheromone receptor (VN1R1), the experts explain. The fragrance triggers the activation of a brain region, which is also involved in hormone control. In women, the effect is even ten times stronger than in men. In the current study, the research team led by economist Professor Dr. Ing. Sebastian Berger, today at the University of Bern, Professor Axel Ockenfels from the University of Cologne and the cell physiologist Professor dr. Dr. Hanns Hatt from Ruhr University Bochum now investigates the effects of fragrance on human behavior.

Reciprocal reciprocal behavior intensified
Humans under the influence of the fragrance Hedion responded to the testimony of the researchers in the experiments on the trust of others with increased trustworthiness. If the other participants did not cooperate, the subjects under Hedion influence tended to punish them. "Our subjects responded a little friendlier to friendliness and a little less friendly to unfair behavior," emphasizes Prof. Berger. These so-called reciprocal behaviors are an elementary prerequisite for human cooperation.

Impact on interpersonal cooperation
"Reciprocal behaviors are therefore central to human interaction because they facilitate collaboration," added Prof. Ockenfels. According to the expert, they are at the center of many behavioral models in evolutionary biology and other disciplines that deal with the emergence of cooperation. Here, therefore, a connection of interpersonal cooperation with the fragrance Hedion is close. "The results could be an indication that there could be a pheromone effect in humans, which differs from the classic smelling," says Porf. Hatt.

Cooperation of olfactory and behavioral researchers
The experiments were carried out under the influence of hedione and in situations where there was no scent or other floral control scent in the room. According to the researchers, the concentrations of the fragrances were so low that the subjects did not consciously perceive the fragrances during the test. The study is a first step towards a promising collaboration between olfactory and behavioral researchers, the researchers concluded. The aim now is to investigate the resilience of the results in other behavioral contexts and to identify the underlying molecular mechanisms.

Wanted natural fragrances with hedione effect
In future studies, according to the researchers should also be looking for natural odor molecules in body secretions, which are similar to hedione and act on the same receptor. Because for the detection of human pheromone communication is first a human-produced fragrance needed, which triggers in another person, a specific, reproducible response. In another interdisciplinary study, it will hopefully be possible to clarify the importance of pheromones scientifically founded, so the conclusion of the scientists. (Fp)