WHO Were fears of swine flu fueled?

WHO Were fears of swine flu fueled? / Health News

Hearing in the Council of Europe: Has WHO exaggerated risks of A / H1N1 and fostered fears?

Tomorrow, the World Health Organization (WHO) will have to be heard in a public hearing at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg „ Dealing with the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency is needed?“ Speak and answer to possible conflicts of interest in connection with the swine flu. Afterwards there will be a press conference.

The hearing will take place before the Health Subcommittee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). In addition to representatives of the WHO, employees from the pharmaceutical industry and independent experts are also consulted. Specifically, there are allegations in the room, WHO employees as an institution of the United Nations, would not have maintained their independence in dealing with pharmaceutical companies. And so was the exclamation of the flu pandemic overdue and now in retrospect unnecessary.

The WHO announced in advance in Geneva that this was not the case. Laboratory analyzes have shown that the virus is severe and unusual in the seasonal influenza infection. The proclamation of the pandemic was necessary. All claims that the pandemic was under economic pressure from the pharmaceutical industry contradicted the WHO and did not label it as historically and scientifically correct.

She also stated that control mechanisms existed within the organization to help avoid conflicts of interest between business and WHO. As it has always come back to cooperation with pharmaceutical and other private companies, such precautions have been taken early.

The allegations have come about because the effects of the virus are much smaller than originally stated, in addition, the vaccines are real shopkeepers and have cost the countries large sums in the millions. Furthermore, it is criticized that the vaccines had not been tested enough and the application had been too risky, which has meanwhile also led to criminal charges in Germany against the Standing Committee on Immunization (STIKO).

Organizations such as Transparency International have long seen economic interests in the swine flu vaccine at play. According to the organization, there were experts who, in addition to the official vaccination decisions, also had financial relationships with the vaccine producers.

In view of these allegations, the call for more transparency is considered to be the subject of the hearing, which was presented by the SPD health expert and Council of Europe politician. Wolfgang Wodarg was initiated with, more than necessary. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 25.01.2010)

Further information

- Website of Dr. med. Wolfgang Wodarg with the text to the hearing and other interesting information not only on health issues

- Website of Transparency International

- Facts about the swine flu