WHO wants to pretend half as much sugar

WHO wants to pretend half as much sugar / Health News

The World Health Organization demands only five percent sugar


Sugar hides everywhere: In ketchup, finished soups or sugar bombs such as effervescent or chocolate. The WHO (World Health Organization) now wants to drastically restrict the consumption of sugar. The white sweet should be the World Health Organization only five percent of the daily calorie intake. That's exactly 50 percent less than before.

WHO did not just think about this step. About 9,000 studies, each of which was evaluated, show time and again in one direction. Sugar increases the risk of obesity (obesity), diabetes type II or caries. The five percent mentioned are not pure industrial sugar, but include honey, syrup and sweetness in juices. The fructose in fruit or vegetables, however, is not included.

High goal
WHO health expert Francesco Branca emphasized that the new target is very high. „Five percent as target is good if it is possible. Ten percent, however, are more realistic.“ Because the people in the western industrialized countries consume much more sugar than the WHO suggests as health-compatible. Those who follow the instructions must on average do without at least two-thirds of the daily sugar intake. Only then could the target be achieved. Initially, the WHO only published the target on its website. Comments from experts are requested.

If you really want to stick to it, it will be very difficult. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE), for example, recommends a daily intake of 1,900 kilocalories for an adult woman. 5 percent would be about 95 kilocalories here. This would be equivalent to six teaspoons of sugar or a small chocolate bar like „Duplo“. A man with 2400 kilocalories is allowed to eat a little more every day. Here, five percent mean about 120 calories. The man may thus consume about 30 grams of sugar.

5 grams of sugar are reached quickly
Five grams are reached quickly. 200 milliliters of apple juice has 24 grams of sugar. 100 grams of chocolate with whole milk about 50 grams. And a glass of milk has already contained 10 grams. A spoonful of tomato ketchup contains 4 grams of sugar. One liter of brew has already contained 40 grams of sugar. The really dangerous things are those of which you do not know anything. Because other foods have a lot of sugar in them. For example, 250 grams of liver sausage contain about three pieces of sugar. And some biscuits are really so. For example, 100 grams of biscuit contains up to three pieces of sugar cubes.

A new revision makes sense in any case. The current WHO recommendations are now more than ten years old. At the time when nutrition experts set the guideline at 10 percent, there were sustained protests from the food industry. For example, lobbyists urged the US Senate to threaten with the removal of support funds. But the experts were able to prevail, so that the draft directive was adopted.

Not yet finalized
The current WHO draft has not yet been completely adopted, but awaits further opinions from scientists and physicians. By the end of this month, all opinions and technical contributions should be submitted. By the summer, a dedicated commission will check whether the recommendation exists or is adjusted. „The decision will be made in the summer“, is it [called. (Sb)

Picture: lichtkunst.73