Which IGeL services really make sense

Which IGeL services really make sense / Health News

New web portal evaluates individual health services


For years, the statutory health insurance companies criticize the many services offered by home and specialist physicians. There are hardly any additional health services that actually bring benefits, according to many criticisms. To provide an overview of Individual Health Services (IGeL), the funds have created a new web portal. Doctors and experts evaluate the services and evaluate them according to "damage and benefits".

One in four already used additional services at the doctor
More and more doctors are asking their patients if they want to use a so-called hedgehog offer. Instead of a reimbursement, patients have to pay for the offered diagnostic or therapeutic services out of their own pocket. According to a study by the scientific institute of the general local health insurance funds (Wido), every fourth patient has already taken advantage of such benefits. In 2001, the share was still around nine percent. Today he has already risen to 28.3 percent. It is debatable whether the health services that are not listed in the catalog of benefits of the statutory health insurance, actually bring a medical benefit. Now an Internet portal should help to find its way into the supply jungle. Main statement: "Which individual health services are comprehensible and sensible and which are not." The business is booming: Every year about € 1.5 billion are spent on individual health benefits (IGeL) - and the trend is rising.

Insecure patients frequently ask the health insurance companies
"Again and again, patients come to us who are unsure whether they want to use these services or not," says Frank Göckeler of the guild health insurance "IKK Classic". Although there are "one or the other IGEL performance that you can think about, for example travel vaccinations before the holidays." However, many offers are "very controversial" from a scientific and medical point of view, as the expert emphasizes. Patients should therefore be skeptical, because if services are medically necessary, these are "basically taken over by the statutory health insurance."

Board member Gernot Kiefer of the Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance (GKV) criticized the increasing number of offers. In many cases it would be the doctors for the profit and not the medical help. The majority of the health services offered are in his view "useless and superfluous".

Ophthalmologists and gynecologists most often offer their additional services. According to AOK about six to seven times more often than other specialists. "Most patients are insecure and do not want to upset their doctor," criticize consumer advocates. The health insurance companies therefore require a 24-hour consent period before a contract is signed. In the meantime, patients could inform themselves independently and decide in peace. Those who are seriously ill are often very willing to pay a lot of money for further treatment. "This is often also a business with fear".

IGEL Monitor provides analysis of benefits and harms
Assistance should now offer an independent portal of health insurance. Different offers are compared and evaluated on the "www.igel-monitor" page. For the analysis, doctors and health experts research together in medical databases. The results are compiled on a scientific basis and then systematically evaluated. So that the patient can see exactly how sensible the hedgehog performance is, benefits and changes or side effects are compared. The final result is then comprehensible and understandable for all insured persons. Despite all the criticism: "The offers are the medical information in the center. These will be covered by serious recommendations from doctors, "says Göckeler.

Naturopathy evaluation quite positive
However, hardly any additional health services are listed on the portal. "Every month another hedgehog performance is to be added", emphasizes Peter Pick, managing director of the patient portal. Already in two years but most offers should be rated and listed. Whether this will be done without conflict, is questionable. After all, services include not only superfluous diagnostics but also natural remedies. While acupuncture from traditional Chinese medicine for migraine prophylaxis was rated as "tendency positive", Bach flower therapy is dubbed "unclear". The self-blood therapy for tendon irritation is even considered to be "tendentially negative". (Sb)

Also read:
IGeL services often unnecessary at the doctor
Health insurance companies want to restrict additional benefits
Doctors are selling more and more benefits
Doctors as sellers of additional services
Doctor appointments: Cash patients are disadvantaged
Barely useful additional services at the doctor

Picture: Andrea Damm