What are the consequences of diabetes?

What are the consequences of diabetes? / Health News

Diabetes Mellitus: Health Effects of Diabetes


Diabetes is known to most people in Germany as so-called diabetes. Anyone who suffers from this must not eat everything and must regularly take medication, so the knowledge of the majority of the unaffected population. However, many of the serious health consequences of diabetes in the long run are unclear.

As a metabolic disease is diabetes in two different variants, the type 1 diabetes, which is characterized by an absolute insulin deficiency or too low an insulin production, and the type 2 diabetes, which usually develops in the course of life and thereby on a Insulin resistance or a relative insulin deficiency based. Although those concerned with appropriate medication and compliance with appropriate dietary restrictions quite relatively uncomfortable experience their everyday life, the long-term health consequences of diabetes are not to be underestimated. It threatens damage to the blood vessels and the nervous system, which bring more serious health risks.

Diabetes damages the cardiovascular system
Often diabetes causes diseases of the cardiovascular system over time (for example, coronary heart disease), as high blood sugar permanently damages the vessels and organs. Also, diabetics suffer more from arteriosclerosis, which in turn further increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In the worst case, a heart attack or stroke is imminent. In order to strengthen the cardiovascular system and to avoid the mentioned consequences as far as possible, a moderate sports or exercise program is generally recommended for diabetes. With special actions, such as the current diabetes running program, which also by „diabetesDE - German Diabetes Aid“ is supported, the victims are additionally motivated for this.

Diabetic Neuropathy: Nerve damage from diabetes
But not only the cardiovascular system is often damaged in the course of diabetes, the nervous system is also affected. According to the experts, about one third of those affected develop a so-called diabetic neuropathy, which may be accompanied by abnormal sensations, sensory disturbances, tingling in the limbs, a numbness in the legs and arms and severe pain in the supply area of ​​the affected nerve tracts.

Diabetic foot is often the cause of amputations
Particularly often, the supplying nerves of the feet are damaged in diabetics, which in combination with existing impairments of the cardiovascular system or corresponding circulatory disturbances in the feet can lead to the people affected develop a so-called diabetic foot. This shows again and again badly healing wounds and the tissue begins to necrotize in places (dying). At worst, an amputation is needed to save the lives of patients. Such interventions are still among the most frequently performed amputations in Germany today. With special medical foot care, however, the risk of diabetic foot can be significantly reduced. (Fp)

Also read about diabetes:
Diabetes through „Light“-lemonade?
Night work provokes diabetes and obesity
Patient-matched diabetes therapy

Picture credits: günther gumhold