Wheat New cause of intolerance?

Wheat New cause of intolerance? / Health News

Wheat: Incompatibility due to previously unsuspected substances?


If you experience indigestion, such as stomach depressions, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea or diarrhea after eating wheat products, this is often associated with gluten intolerance (celiac disease) by those affected - but also by treating physicians. Here, however, have „New findings now show that other substances in wheat - polyfructans, which are summarized as FODMAPs - can cause symptoms previously attributed to gluten“, reports the patient magazine „family doctor“ with reference to the Privatdozentin Dr. Walburga Dieterich from the University Hospital Erlangen.

Researchers have identified previously unsuspected substances in wheat as a possible cause of the intolerance of wheat products, as published by the German family doctors association in cooperation with the word & image publisher patient magazine. Here current research would suggest that the FODMAPs „have a direct impact on the immune system”, quotes the journal Dr. Walburga Dieterich. Possible sequelae include stomach cramps, bloating, indigestion or mood swings. However, so far there is no suitable investigation to determine whether someone is sensitive to FODMAPs.

Radical diet inadvisable
According to the patient magazine, the previously unsuspected substances are present not only in wheat, but also in various vegetables and fruits. However, a radical diet that avoids all known FODMAPs foods is poorly recommended. Instead, a three to four-week significant reduction of wheat products is recommended. If the symptoms have improved, the wheat content can be slowly increased again. The affected people should, according to Dr. med. Walburga Dieterich best trust her gut feeling. „Just look for what you get and what you prefer to do without”, so the conclusion of the expert in the press release of the patient magazine „family doctor“. (Fp)

Picture: PhotoHiero