Wine consumption does not reduce the risk of atherosclerosis

Wine consumption does not reduce the risk of atherosclerosis / Health News

No lower risk of atherosclerosis due to regular wine consumption


The moderate consumption of wine is intended to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as repeatedly shown in various studies. However, a recent study finds that regular, moderate consumption of red or white wine does not improve the risk of atherosclerosis.

No improvement in atherosclerosis risk
Moderate wine consumption is repeatedly associated with protection against cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack. However, regular, moderate consumption of red or white wine does not improve the risk of atherosclerosis after six and twelve months. This is the conclusion of a Czech study, which has now been presented at the Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in Barcelona. Artherosclerosis, primarily caused by damage to the inner wall of the vessel, is distinguished from atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), which occurs primarily within the middle wall of the vessel.

No clinically significant influence of moderate wine consumption
The authors of the study, also called „In Vino Veritas“ (IVV) study, summarize: „In this prospective, randomized study, we found no clinically significant effect of moderate red or white wine consumption on parameters such as lipid levels, C-reactive protein, fasting glucose, other markers of atherosclerosis risk, or liver enzymes.“ The scientists continue writing: „We also failed to confirm the hypothesis, which is mainly derived from retrospective studies that wine consumption would increase HDL levels.“

Moderate wine consumption should prevent calcifications in arteries
It has been reported that since the 1990s, studies have repeatedly been presented which indicate a cardiothoracic effect of moderate wine consumption. So had among other things Dr. med. Thomas Meinertz, heart specialist and chairman of the board of the German Heart Foundation announced some years ago that the juice in minimal doses helps to prevent calcification in the arteries. He said then: „The antioxidants in the wine slow down the breakdown of nitric oxide in the blood.“ This effect rarely leads to dangerous deposits, which are responsible for a narrowing of the vessels. When these lanes are narrowed, many patients experience chest pain and heart pains, which often herald the onset of a heart attack. A life-threatening heart attack occurs when the arteries are blocked.

Results „in contrast to the previous trend“
In the prospective, multicenter, randomized study presented, researchers from the universities of Olomouc and Prague have now investigated the effects of white and red wine consumption on atherosclerosis risk factors. There were 146 subjects with mild to moderate risk of atherosclerosis for a year regularly drank Pinot Noir or Chardonnay-Pinot - women daily 0.2 liters, men 0.3 liters, five times a week. The values ​​of „Great“ HDL cholesterol was the primary endpoint and secondary endpoint other arteriosclerosis markers such as LDL cholesterol, C-reactive protein, and oxidative stress measures. After six or twelve months, no significant changes occurred in any of the markers. The results of the study can be read on the website of the „European Society of Cardiology“. Prof. Dr. Eckart Fleck, spokesman of the German Cardiac Society (DGK) commented: „The results of this new wine study seem to stand in contrast to the previous trend. That certainly will not be the last investigation on this controversial topic.“ (Ad)

Image: Maurus Völkl