Christmas Baking Raw biscuit dough can cause life-threatening intestinal infections

Christmas Baking Raw biscuit dough can cause life-threatening intestinal infections / Health News

Experts strongly advise against consuming raw dough

Especially in the Christmas season, there are many people who like to bake cookies alone or with their children. It often consumes the raw cookie dough, either because it is left over or because it simply tastes delicious. However, researchers now found that snacking on raw dough can cause a life-threatening intestinal infection.

Scientists of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned against eating raw cookie dough. The researchers found out in an investigation that an ingredient in the cookie dough can lead to an intestinal infection. The study results were published in the journal New England Journal of Medicine.

Especially during the Christmas season biscuits and cookies are often baked. Experts now warn that eating raw dough can lead to a dangerous intestinal infection. (Image: V & P Photo Studio /

An ingredient in the dough can cause an intestinal infection

Are you also one of the people who like to bake cookies during the Christmas season? Then you probably have already had a few times the raw dough of the cookies nibbled, after all, it is so delicious and the leftovers are too good to throw away. However, health experts warned that eating raw dough can lead to a life-threatening intestinal infection. This is due to an ingredient in the raw dough. Here, most people will probably think of eggs, but not the eggs in the dough are the problem, but possible bacterial contamination of the flour contained, explain the doctors.

What effects does an E.coli infection have??

The flour may contain E.coli bacteria when raw, causing a corresponding infection. This leads to various unpleasant health effects for those affected. The symptoms include, for example, vomiting, nausea, headache and diarrhea. In order to avoid infection and its negative consequences, no raw dough should be eaten, whether it be the dough for bread, cookies or pizza, the experts of U.S. Pat. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Department of Health.

American manufacturer of flour launches recall

In 2016, a study was launched on this topic after US flour manufacturer General Mills recalled several products from the market. The reason was that the raw meal contained was responsible for the outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infections.

So far no cases in Germany

So far, there are no confirmed cases in Germany, in which people fell ill by the consumption of cookie dough on an intestinal infection, but hobby bakers should be careful.

How is the flour contaminated??

But why can raw flour ever cause such a partially life-threatening intestinal infection? The reason for the health risks of consumption is due to the processing of the flour. The grains are harvested directly from the field and then immediately processed into flour. No treatment is performed which prevents contamination by bacteria. Without such treatment, for example, the feces residues of birds and other animals may remain on the grains. These impurities are then rendered ineffective by baking or cooking. However, if the dough is consumed raw, pathogenic residues are still present. (As)