White skin cancer Scaly patches of skin could indicate cancer

White skin cancer Scaly patches of skin could indicate cancer / Health News
Scaly areas may be an indication of white skin cancer
The number of skin cancer diseases has risen sharply in recent years in some regions. Particularly dangerous is the so-called "black" skin cancer. But the "white" skin cancer can be dangerous if it is not treated. The skin should be screened for suspicious changes on a regular basis to detect a possible disease early.

Around 200,000 new skin cancer diseases per year
In some regions of Germany, the number of skin cancer cases has risen sharply in recent years. For example, in Mittelsachsen, where health experts justified the increase, among other things, that now also the so-called "white skin cancer" (spinalioma or basalioma) is completely included in the data collections. Previously this was not the case. According to the German Cancer Society, up to 200,000 people a year worldwide contract skin cancer. The German Cancer Aid expects a higher number of 234,000 new cases, with more than 20,000 diagnoses of the dangerous "black" skin cancer. But the white skin cancer can be dangerous if left untreated.

Often, the first signs of skin cancer are a flaky skin. (Image: ArTo - fotolia)

Sometimes difficult to recognize
It can be a sign of white skin cancer if a skin area becomes flabby, discolored or uneven. However, there are other symptoms as well. One should know these, in order to save later a treatment with radiation or medicines. As the news agency dpa reports, are summarized in white skin cancer basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell cancer. Basal cell cancer usually develops in skin areas that get a lot of sun, as in the face and neck. The patient information page of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) has pointed this out. This form often looks like a waxy nodule at first. However, spiny cell cancer is often found on the edge of the ear or on the face and is difficult to recognize. Warning signals may include a scaly discolored spot or a scabby wound.

Sunscreen reduces disease risk
Since sun favors white skin cancer, sunbathing always depends on the skin type. People with lighter skin are more at risk. In addition, the risk increases with age. According to IQWiG, squamous cell carcinoma is often diagnosed in people over the age of 60. Basal cell cancer often occurs at the age of 40 to 50 years. People should be protected from the sun from an early age to reduce the risk of illness. So do not go too long and unprotected in the sun. A sunburn should always be avoided. Health experts also advise against visits to the tanning salon. Basal cell carcinoma grows slowly and rarely forms metastases. According to IQWiG, about one person dies from 1,000 affected people. Spiny cell cancer, on the other hand, is more aggressive: it grows and destroys neighboring tissue and can continue to spread untreated in the body. About 40 to 50 out of every 1,000 people die. In most cases, white skin cancer can be removed in the early stage with a small procedure. If this is no longer possible, radiation or medication are also used. (Ad)