White skin cancer is rapidly increasing

White skin cancer is rapidly increasing / Health News

White skin cancer is rapidly increasing: precaution and adequate skin protection prevent melanoma.


Not only in summer, but also in winter skiing, people are exposed to the UV rays of the sun. Many think of their brown complexion rather than the harmful rays of the sun. But the German Cancer Research Center warns: The number of skin cancer patients is rising steadily. Health insured persons over the age of 35 are entitled to a check-up with the dermatologist every two years.

As the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) announced, the number of patients with a diagnosed skin cancer has risen sharply in the last 20 years. People who, despite medical advice, do not adequately or not at all protect themselves from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, risk not only sunburn but also dangerous skin cancer. According to the cancer experts, older people are at particular risk. According to evaluations of patient data, especially people of the older age group fall ill between the 60th and 80th year of life. However, anyone who regularly goes to a solarium at a young age, for example, could already suffer from a skin carcinoma from the age of thirty. While the much more aggressive black skin cancer often forms dangerous metastases, this happens only rarely in white skin cancer.

Skin cancer is noticeable early on
Patients notice white skin cancer, especially on the face, hands or neck. The consequences of white skin cancer can be very lasting and damaging. As explained by the expert of the DKFZ area „Genetics of skin carcinogenesis“, Petra Boukamp, ​​"The cancerous cells go through the entire tissue and during surgery you have to remove large areas.“ The carcinomas eat into the skin of the person affected, the cancer attacks the face, the face is often severely disfigured by medical interventions. Scarring is inevitable after surgery, as the expert said.

The white skin cancer is caused by a permanent damage to the UV sun rays. In the early stages, patients notice a red spot or scaly skin. If the skin cancer is detected in time, various medicines such as ointments can help successfully. Foresight is still the best protection against cancer. Because every sunbath is a danger to the skin and causes skin damage.

Tanning in the tanning salon damages the skin cells
Many people are of the opinion, by a so-called „Before Tanning“ in the solarium to prepare the skin for sunbeams on vacation. But the rays in the solarium damage the skin sustainably. Just one tanning session in the tanning salon is enough to damage the skin too much. Even if a sunburn on holiday is avoided by a solarium visit, exposing the skin to a high load of UV rays. The longer and more intense the sun is exposed, the higher the risk of developing skin cancer. If the skin changes, those affected should contact a GP or dermatologist as soon as possible. In a medical examinations can then be determined why skin cells have changed. Even sunscreen does not protect against skin cancer, as recently Prof. Eckhard Breitbar of the Cancer Aid e.V. said.

Early detection is funded by the health insurance companies
If patients see noticeable changes on the skin early on, this could be a valuable indication of a developing skin cancer. For a good three years, all health insurance of the statutory health insurance from the 35.Lebensjahr have a right to a skin cancer screening test. Every two years, this check-up can be undertaken. The sooner the skin cancer is detected, the better the chances of recovery.

Skin cancer on the rise
Every year around 240,000 people in Germany develop skin cancer. What is the proportion of so-called white skin cancer, the research institute did not name. According to recent evaluations, about 3,000 people die each year from malignant melanoma. If the defense mechanisms of the body are healthy, the skin carcinoma grows over years. There has to be a lot going on in time, until a tumor is formed. Boukamp. This can sometimes take over 30 to 40 years. Therefore, older patients between 60 and 70 years of age are often affected. In contrast to younger people weaker immune system also plays a major role.

Protection against sunburn and UV rays
Especially in summer, protection against UV rays is important. These include sufficient headgear, sunglasses that do not let rays through, and breathable clothing. All areas of the body that can not be covered should be regularly creamed with a sunscreen with high UV protection. (Sb)

Read about skin cancer:
Dangerous black skin cancer
Sunscreen does not protect against skin cancer
Nanoparticles in the sunscreen