White spots or staining of the fingernails may be due to illnesses

White spots or staining of the fingernails may be due to illnesses / Health News

Fingernails: stains and discoloration may indicate disease

The fingernails are a reflection of our health. Thus, discoloration or stains on our fingernails may indicate illnesses. If they are friable or even brittle, this is also an important clue. We show what suffering can be, and when to go to the doctor.


  • Fingernails: stains and discoloration may indicate disease
  • Stains, discoloration and grooves
  • In case of suspected nutrient deficiency for blood analysis
  • Evidence of skin cancer
  • Completely normal aging
  • Tips for beautiful and healthy nails

Stains, discoloration and grooves

Barbara Weigel of the Federal Association for Cosmetic and Foot Care knows how a healthy fingernail should look like: "It is firm and yet flexible, has a smooth, slightly curved surface and is about 0.5 millimeters thick." The nail is usually matt-transparent and seems light pink due to the well-nourished nail bed. But this description is far from always true. There are often spots, discolorations or grooves on the nails. These changes can tell us something about health.

Fingernails are considered a mirror of health. Creases, spots or discoloration may indicate various diseases. In some cases, a doctor should be consulted. (Image: toa555 / fotolia.com)

In case of suspected nutrient deficiency for blood analysis

While it is often claimed that nails are due to vitamin, iron or calcium deficiency, it has not been scientifically proven.

Anyone who still suspects a lack of nutrients for his nail problems, should contact a physician and have a blood analysis done. With some changes on the nails one should go however in any case to a physician.

An article by Norddeutscher Rundfunk explains when this is recommended. The NDR spoke with the specialist in dermatology, Dr. med. Melanie Hartmann, from
DermoCosmetic Center Hamburg.

Evidence of skin cancer

White spots in the nails are usually only harmless air pockets that arise when the nail grows.

Also yellowish discoloration is often harmless. Among other things, they can occur through contact with cleaning agents or red nail polish.

In light brown discoloration, however, according to the expert, a doctor's visit is advisable, as this may be the beginning of a nail fungus, which untreated, the whole nail destroys and can also spread.

You also have to be a dermatologist if dark brown to black spots develop that do not grow out. This can be black skin cancer. Melanomas can act like simple skin fungus.

Completely normal aging

Other problems are often annoying but not dangerous. For example, brittle and splintering nails may be due to a leached, porous nail plate, such as frequent hand washing or dishwashing.

However, if the nails break or splinter over months, there may actually be a vitamin deficiency (biotin) or hypothyroidism.

As the article goes on, longitudinal grooves can occasionally occur with rheumatism or liver disease. In most cases, however, they are a completely normal aging phenomenon.

However, transverse grooves often occur for a long time after severe gastrointestinal infections, high fever flu, chemotherapy or extreme periods of stress.

Scientific evidence is missing
Although numerous nutritional supplements, creams and lacquers are advertised on the market to ensure healthy nails through their ingredients, but there is no scientific evidence for it.

Experts advise caution with such preparations. Overdoses, side effects and interactions can not be excluded. For example, too much biotin (vitamin B7) can interfere with the absorption of vitamin C..

But some creams and oils can make a contribution to nail health by keeping the cuticles supple. This in turn protects the nail roots from foreign bodies and germs.

Tips for beautiful and healthy nails

In this context, one should know that the cuticles - contrary to popular belief - does not grow stronger when you cut them more often.

Instead of cutting them, it is gentler, according to experts, to push back the cuticle. Ideally with a fine wooden stick.

Minor bumps or discoloration on the nails can be carefully removed with a fine manicure file. In the contribution of the NDR there is still a tip, how one can do his fingernails something particularly good:

Before going to bed massage a moisturizing hand cream on the nails and cuticle and then sleep with gloves. The next morning you have velvety hands with beautiful, shiny nails. (sb, ad)