White spots on nails Does calcium help here?

White spots on nails Does calcium help here? / Health News

Health myth: Calcium usually does not help with white spots on the nails


Almost everyone knows the small white spots on the nails that are suddenly there and usually disappear only by growing out. The news agency „dpa“ spoke with Ulrike Junius-Walker of the Institute of General Medicine at the Hannover Medical School about the phenomenon, which is often associated with a calcium deficiency by laymen. But is that true?

White spots are usually caused by trauma, but not by calcium deficiency
„It is believed that small trauma to the nail, such as bumps or small injuries, this locally slightly altered nail plate can arise“, explains Junius-Walker. The nail consists of about 100 to 150 horny scales, which consist only to 0.2 percent of calcium. The white spots are ultimately air pockets in the nail plate, the expert said. Calcium does not help.

In rare cases, however, white transverse bands may indeed indicate a calcium deficiency. This was the conclusion of a case study from the year 2004. In one patient, a disease-related calcium deficiency occurred. In addition, his nails were traversed by white cross straps. After receiving calcium, the deficiency was compensated and the streaks disappeared. However, according to the expert, calcium has no effect on nail plate changes in people who do not suffer from severe malnutrition and have white spots or clouds instead of ligaments on their nails.

Disease-related changes in the nails
While the white spots are almost always harmless, other changes in the nail may indicate a disease. If the horny plate discolors into a yellowish brown or cloudy whiteness and thickens, becomes friable, wavy and flaky, this may indicate nail fungus or nail psoriasis. In addition, nail eczema can occur due to severe irritation or inflammation of the nail. In biotin deficiency, the nails become brittle and brittle and iron deficiency often causes so-called spoon nails. (Ag)

> Image: Lupo