Menopause - From Belly Fat to Diabetes

Menopause - From Belly Fat to Diabetes / Health News
Every third woman suffers from severe physical complaints during menopause
Menopause is associated with many women with physical discomfort, ranging from dizziness and hot flashes to hair loss, mood swings, significant weight gain and palpitations, to increased risk of osteoporosis or diabetes. However, it is difficult to predict which women will be affected, when the symptoms will be used and in what form they will express themselves.

With an average of 51 years, women come to the menopause, according to the announcement of "Mylan Healthcare GmbH", which may extend over a period of seven to 15 years. During this time the body changes significantly and the hormone balance changes radically. As a result, many women suffer from physical complaints. Only a third of them remain symptom-free. Another third have mild complaints and the last third suffers so much from the menopausal symptoms that the daily life is massively impaired. Here, "Mylan Healthcare" offers the affected women on the new portal "" extensive information on the symptoms and possible countermeasures.

Sudden hot flashes are one of the symptoms at the onset of menopause. Image: Robert Kneschke /

Menopause often goes unnoticed
According to the portal, it can not be predicted how severe the menopause will be in a woman or how long it will last exactly. Also, very few women could name the time when their menopause began, as the first hormonal changes in the body go unnoticed. "If the menstrual period becomes more irregular due to the hormone deficiency and finally stops altogether (menopause), the postmenopause begins - a phase in which the body adapts to the changed hormonal situation", so the announcement of "Mylan Healthcare".

Measures to alleviate menopausal complaints
It is often tried with sports, vitamins, diet changes and other measures to minimize the extent of menopausal symptoms, but not always achieve the desired relief. This also applies to plants such as black cohosh, Siberian rhubarb or St. John's wort. Although hormone replacement therapy is quite successful in tackling the symptoms, this in turn carries the risk of serious side effects, so a thorough assessment of the harm-to-benefit ratio is urgently needed. Nationwide surveys have found "that now 44 percent of women who go to the gynecologist for their menopausal symptoms, receive hormone supplements," says "Mylan Healthcare".

Reduction of the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes
"Mylan Healthcare" also calls a "preventive health benefit" as an advantage of hormone replacement therapy. For example, the risk of diabetes can be reduced as many menopausal women gain fat deposits, which is associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Estrogens reduce insulin requirements and prevent adverse changes in lipid metabolism. The hormone addition also show a beneficial effect on osteoporosis.

Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Among the potential negative consequences of hormone replacement therapy is an increased risk of ovarian cancer. In February 2015, British scientists published a study in the journal "The Lancet", which shows that women who received hormone replacement therapy for at least five years from the age of 50 had an additional ovarian cancer case per 1,000 users , Also, one additional death occurred per 1,700 users. The increased risk of ovarian cancer was largely or completely causal, according to the researchers. Other undesirable side effects of hormone replacement therapy include, for example, the increased risk of breast cancer and the possibility of cardiovascular disease. (Fp)

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