Changeable weather Poor driving

Changeable weather Poor driving / Health News

Driving ability can be affected by changeable weather


Fluctuating temperatures, sometimes rain, sometimes dry: the current weather is causing problems for many people in this country. Especially for motorists, the changeable weather can have unpleasant effects, because it can affect the ability to drive.

Only fit people should drive a car
Most people are aware that medication or alcohol can affect their own ability to drive. However, the changeable weather could also have an effect on it and so the German traffic guard (DVW) advises all concerned, only to take behind the wheel, if they feel really fit. According to the DVW, the effects of changing weather conditions can affect driving performance through typical symptoms such as headache, circulatory problems or sleep disturbances that cause fatigue and reduced responsiveness. In addition, light and glare sensitivity had a negative effect on the reactivity and the performance.

Medicines do not improve the situation
These complaints could increase the risk of accidents, as detuned or tired drivers may react too late or wrongly to dangerous situations. The DVW also warns those affected that you can not improve the situation by taking medication for the complaints. Because appropriate remedies could also trigger fatigue, dizziness or blurred vision. Therefore, it is advised to consult a doctor or pharmacist about the possible effects on the ability to drive before taking a preparation. As early as 2010, a study by French scientists found that around three percent of accidents are caused by medication.

Body aches due to changeable weather
In addition, the changeable weather of DVW could also lead to body aches, which are also an obstacle at the wheel. So fall shoulder view difficult, possibly even the grip of the steering wheel and the brake pedal can be under certain circumstances, not fast enough.

Mood swings weather-sensitive people
Not to be underestimated are also mood swings, which often affect people who are sensitive to the weather. The DVW therefore advises all those who are bothered by the ups and downs of the temperatures better not to drive. The tolerance for driving errors of other and difficult traffic situations could sink through the whole exertion. There is then the danger that those affected can be carried away by thoughtless and sometimes dangerous actions. (Ad)

Picture: Uschi Dreiucker