What to do with softener fabrics in day care centers

What to do with softener fabrics in day care centers / Health News

Federal Environmental Agency: Parents and educators should switch to environmentally friendly products without plasticizers


Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Association BUND published a study, according to the day care centers in Germany are mainly contaminated with harmful plasticizer substances. After publication of the study results, the Federal Environment Agency urges educators and parents to pay close attention to ingredients when purchasing furnishings and toys. In trade, there are a number of products that did not use dangerous substances. A tightening of the law will not be targeted. The Federal Government and the EU are of the opinion that consumers should become active themselves and seek harmless alternatives.

One day after the publication of the study results of the Federal Association for Environmental and Nature Conservation in Germany (BUND), parents and educators in day-care centers are increasingly unsure. In the Kita study, the environmental experts found that the plasticizer (phthalate) exposure in kindergartens is on average three times higher than UBA measurements of dust in dwellings. For years, so-called plasticizers are suspected of acting hormone-like. Scientists have come to the conclusion in numerous studies that chemical softeners are responsible for a declining birth rate, malformations of the genital organs and fertility disorders in women and men. For this reason, the European Parliament recently passed a new law prohibiting the active substance bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and toddler toys. However, this prohibition is aimed only at the plasticizer BPA. Other chemicals have not been significantly limited.

Softener especially in the establishment
In the 60 German kindergartens examined, the experts of the BUND presented the hazardous substance polyvinyl chloride (PVC) mainly in furnishings, floor coverings, wallpaper, gymnastic mats, furniture upholstery and plastic tablecloths. In many cases, the average load was high due to the presence of numerous articles with polyvinyl chloride.

Federal Environment Agency: Consumers should seek income
In this context, the Federal Environment Agency points to the means of self-control. The parents and staff of the day-care centers should pay attention to the presence of the worrying plasticizers when purchasing the products. "Traders and distributors are required to tell consumers on demand that, for example, a new floor covering contains worrying plasticisers, the European chemicals legislation REACH requires retailers to provide information on ingredients from the list of substances of very high concern within 45 days.“ explained the head of the agency of the Environment Agency Jochen Flasbarth. Consumers should definitely insist on their rights and get a list, Flasbarth added.

Sample writing should help
To help parents and educators, the Federal Environmental Agency has prepared a sample letter. The letter contains a list of traders who can be asked about the ingredients. The trade is now more obliged by law to issue binding statements about the composition of the products. If the information is denied, those affected can complain to the Federal Office.

Particularly worrying substances
The four most widely used and commercially successful plasticisers have been added to the European Union's list of chemicals by ECHA, the European Chemicals Agency „particularly alarming substances“ added. This list includes all hazardous chemicals that are intended for review. Other chemicals will be added in the future. The inclusion in the so-called candidate list obliges the corporations to provide far-reaching information. The obligation to provide information is not only subject to the manufacturers, but also to the importers and traders. Every citizen has the right to obtain accurate information about certain products containing plasticisers. Although consumers can use this request for information to control their buying behavior and to resort to alternatives, critics complain, however, that firstly many people do not know this EU law and secondly the information provided by non-experts rather contributes to the uncertainty. It would be better, so environmental experts, if such substances were not used for children's products and home furnishings for the production.

How can safe products be recognized?
The Federal Environment Agency emphasizes that more and more manufacturers have switched over the last few years and now increasingly produce products without polyvinyl chloride or BPA. Those who want to play it safe should pay particular attention to the eco-label „Blue Angel“ or „Bio“ respect, think highly of. These goods are manufactured in an environmentally friendly way and are proven not to affect the health of parents and children. The only drawback: Often the environmentally friendly products are also more expensive than the conventional ones. And especially kindergartens lack the necessary money to switch to clean alternatives. (Sb)

Also read:
BUND: Increased plasticizer load in day nurseries
Environmentalists: BPA ban completely inadequate

Picture: Rainer Sturm