What to do in heartburn and reflux?

What to do in heartburn and reflux? / Health News

Often simple changes in everyday life can prevent the occurrence of heartburn


Many people suffer from heartburn after eating foods such as currywurst, cola, and chocolate, which usually goes away after a short time. „But there are also sufferers who suffer from chronic heartburn“, in which „a common cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease, after the English name short GERD called“ is, reports the „Berlin morning mail“.

Chronic heartburn in reflux is caused by the reflux of gastric acid, bile and / or gastric contents into the esophagus. The contact with the stomach acid leads to proper chemical burns of the tissue, which can cause inflammations of the esophagus and the throat. Normally, the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach prevents reflux of the gastric contents, but in the GERD patients the muscle is too weak, she says „Berlin morning mail“. In addition to throat and throat pain, cough and chest pain should also be mentioned here as potential sequelae. Other complications could include pneumonia or even esophageal cancer. The paper also gives some tips to help prevent or minimize the occurrence of heartburn.

Tips against heartburn
For example, patients are advised to drink as little alcohol as possible and to pay more attention to their weight and nutrition. Fat and fried foods should be avoided as much as possible. At mealtimes, small to medium portion sizes are recommended, as the chance of reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus increases with a full stomach. Last but not least, body posture also plays a role in many people and, in addition, even a belt that is too tightly strapped may favor the occurrence of heartburn, reports the daily. (Fp)