What to do in postnatal depression

What to do in postnatal depression / Health News

40 percent of women affected by the so-called baby blues


Many women suffer from mood swings after birth. One differentiates between the so-called „Baby Blues“ and postnatal depression. According to senior physician Susanne Simen from the Nuremberg Clinic, about 40 percent of women are affected by the baby blues. About 10 percent to 15 percent actually suffer from postnatal depression. According to the expert, there are good chances to cure this depression: „Six weeks treatment time is usually sufficient.“

Depression after birth often unrecognized
Often, postnatal depression remains unrecognized. Siemens explains as follows: „A mother will do everything she can to work for her child. And then it says: It goes!“ Many young mothers would be ashamed, as they are not happy in spite of the newborn child as expected, reports the senior physician. Apart from that, listeners and doctors would sometimes be downplaying and reassuring on affected women. It is misjudged that exhaustion is normal only to a certain degree after birth.

Typical signs of postnatal depression include the usual signs of depression, lack of energy, irritability, a sense of teaching and non-feeling, and hormonal fluctuations. Susanne Siemen reports: „Typical symptoms are also early awakening, the mother sits full panic and fear of the future at five or six o'clock wide awake in her bed.“

What to do in postnatal depression?
In any case, therapeutic help should be sought from those affected. In many cities there are facilities such as the „Mother and child ambulance for postpartum mentally ill mothers“ the LWL-Klinik Dortmund, in which sufferers learn competent help. In addition to professional help, relatives and friends play an important role. If the young mother feels understood and supported by her social environment, this is an important contribution to the recovery. In addition, natural remedies can be used to strengthen the psyche and the body. Examples include the Bach flower therapy or Schüßler salts. (Ag)