What to do in the heat of the day?

What to do in the heat of the day? / Health News

Next weekend, the hottest summer days in Germany are expected: this also means being sufficiently protected from too much heat and sunshine.


After the summer has not shown itself from its most beautiful side, the temperatures rise in August even up to 35 degrees. For the coming weekend, the German weather service has announced hot lust masses from Spain. While many are looking forward to sunbathing and chatting in the outdoor pool, the heat is felt by others, especially the elderly, to be very unpleasant and stressful. However, those who pay attention to sufficient fluid and avoids the blazing midday sun, prevents health problems such as circulatory problems or a sunstroke.

Never without sun protection in the sun
Actually, every kid knows it, yet many do: sizzling at 30 degrees in the blazing sun - of course without sunscreen - for the tan. Since the sunburn is inevitable. The fact that this can develop into skin cancer in the worst case, seems to ignore the one or the other sun worshipers. Overloading the skin releases messenger substances such as histamine, which can lead to dilation of the vessels, reddening of the skin and itching, among other things. It can also lead to degeneration of the skin cells. Horn cells then form so-called keratoses, which visually resemble warts and can develop into white skin cancer. Mutated pigmented cells can even degenerate into the particularly dangerous black skin cancer.

To protect against sunburn and serious skin cancer experts recommend the use of sunscreens with a high sun protection factor (SPF) such as SPF 30. The sunscreen should also be applied generously and nationwide.

In high heat, drink plenty of fluids
In high heat the body sweats and loses a lot of fluid. In order to prevent dehydration, sufficient liquid should be drunk. Normally two to three liters per day are recommended. In the summer, however, the amount can be increased. Water, fruit juice spritzers and milk are best suited as they contain valuable electrolytes in addition to the liquid.

Even if the craving for ice-cold drinks is very high at high temperatures, lukewarm drinks like tea are better off. When drinks are drunk from the refrigerator, the body needs to expend extra energy to bring the fluid to body temperature. This effort should be avoided.

Mediterranean food is wholesome in the heat
Even when eating, care should be taken not to burden the body additionally. Therefore, a light Mediterranean diet is recommended, which consists of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat meats, fish, low-fat dairy products and olive oil. Warm dishes are easier to digest if consumed in the evening at slightly lower temperatures. Lunch is often enough already a salad. (Ag)