Why are married people better protected against skin cancer?

Why are married people better protected against skin cancer? / Health News

In married people, melanoma is detected earlier

Researchers have now found that when people are married, they not only prevent depression and loneliness, but are also better protected from the risk of deadly melanoma.

Being married brings different benefits and responsibilities. A marriage can even have a positive effect on your health. The University of Pennsylvania physicians found in their current research that married people are better protected from melanoma. The scientists published the results of their study in the English-language journal "JAMA Dermatology".

Can a marriage protect against skin cancer? Physicians found that married people discover melanomas faster and go to the doctor earlier. (Image: Kzenon / fotolia.com)

Study included 52,063 participants

So-called melanomas are discovered earlier in married people than in living, divorced or widowed people alone, say the study authors. For their analysis, the experts analyzed the data from a total of 52,063 participants. They found that married people in most cases consult a doctor with earlier stages of skin cancer. The study also indicates that married people are also more likely to undergo a recommended lymph node biopsy. The study used data from people who were diagnosed with a potentially fatal skin disease between 2010 and 2014. In many cases, the melanoma can also spread to other body organs, making it even more lethal if it is not detected early enough, the researchers explain.

What were the results??

Of the studied married patients, 47 percent had the smallest and earliest tumors detected. By comparison, only 32 percent of widowed patients, 39 percent of divorced patients, and 43 percent of patients who had never been married, consulted with small tumors for a doctor. The study also found that three percent of married patients live with ominous tumors, while the number of widowed was ten percent higher.

What does a melanoma look like??

In many cases, a melanoma can look like a malformed mole. They can vary in color, but most are black, brown or even dark blue. This cancer typically forms on parts of the body that are particularly heavily irradiated by the sun or UV light, explain the scientists. Of course, there are also cases in which melanomas occur on other parts of the body.

Warning sign for the development of a melanoma

The biggest warning sign is when an existing liver spot changes appearance or increases in size. It is also important to assess the shape and height of the liver spot and to note whether the birthmark is itching or irritated, the experts add.

Free online test is available

Queensland researchers at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute have recently created a free online test for those over the age of 40 and over, predicting the risk of developing melanoma in the near future. This test can be performed free of charge on the website of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

Marriage also protects against dementia

It is not the first time that research has linked marriage to health benefits. Earlier this year, a study found that marriage can actually protect against brain function loss. The study found that people who had no relationship for the rest of their lives developed 42 percent more dementia than those who live in a relationship or are married. (As)