Why you should better keep your hands off the pepper shaker in the restaurant

Why you should better keep your hands off the pepper shaker in the restaurant / Health News

More harmful germs on pepper spreaders than on toilet seats

Many people who go out to eat and leave, put toilet paper on the toilet seat. After all, many pathogens could romp there. But elsewhere in the restaurant are much more harmful germs to find - on the pepper spreaders.

Pathogenic germs lurk on numerous things

Although many people disgust to visit public toilets, elsewhere there are often even more germs than in the loo. For example, research has shown that enormous amounts of bacteria can often be found on money. Kitchen sponges are also true germicides. And also over wipes and cloths dangerous germs can be transmitted, as scientists from the University of Mauritius reported recently. On pepper spreaders probably few people expect health-damaging pathogens. But that's exactly what you'll find on a massive scale.

An investigation has shown that on pepper spreaders in restaurants are on average more bacteria than on toilet seats. (Image: emmapeel34 / fotolia.com

Articles from restaurants examined in more detail

The news program "Good Morning America" ​​by the broadcaster "ABC News" has carried out an investigation of utensils that are located on restaurant tables.

They wanted to know which of the articles contains the most bacteria. Ketchup, mustard, salt, pepper, sugar or the menu?

To do so, samplers from twelve restaurants in three US states (New York, Ohio and Arizona) were sampled and studied by researchers from the University of Arizona.

Of the foods pepper contained the most germs

As already assumed, sugar was found to have the lowest number of germs with an average of 2,300 bacteria.

Ketchup, mustard and salt were more contaminated with contaminants than sugar, but it contained much less than pepper.

As it says in a report of the broadcaster "ABC News", he had the second highest average number of bacteria with 11,600 organisms.

"Pepper can basically contain a large number of bacteria. Bacteria like pepper, "Dr. Chuck Gerba from the University of Arizona.

Jonas Sickler of "ConsumerSafety.org" has another explanation: "Most salt and pepper shakers are only wiped clean if they appear dirty, and even then only with a damp cloth," the expert told radio station "106.9KROC"..

More bacteria than on a toilet seat

However, significantly more bacteria were found on the menus: an average of 185,000 germs were included.

"You probably have about 100 times more bacteria on a menu than on a typical toilet seat," Gerba said.

"Have you ever been in a restaurant and stuck to the menu? It has happened to me often, "he added.

Next time you eat out, remember that you may get more than you ordered - from the menu.

Keep menus away from children

However, the broadcaster points out that most of the bacteria found are not particularly harmful. The most common diseases that can be caused are respiratory tract infections.

The experts also have some advice: place your order and wash your hands before eating.

And keep the menus away from young children, as they love to put them in their mouths. (Ad)