Health News
Warning of Tri-Methyl Xtreme
FDA warns of Bodybuilder Supplement
The US regulator FDA warns against the use of the muscle building agent "Tri-Methyl Xtreme". The drug is declared as a dietary supplement and allegedly contains anabolic steroids.
The US regulator FDA warns against the use of the muscle building agent "Tri-Methyl Xtreme". The drug is declared as a dietary supplement and allegedly contains anabolic steroids.
The drug is sold in gyms and on the Internet and is associated with serious liver damage. It is designed to build muscle mass, increase muscle strength, reduce body fat and "steel" the muscles. The drug is sold through a Las Vegas-based company called Extreme Products Group.
The FDA warns against dietary supplements that contain anabolic steroids because they pose a real danger to consumers. Anabolic steroids could cause a number of serious side effects with possibly irreversible damage. (Pm)
Picture credits: Martin Büdenbender