Calves relax teetering against heavy legs

Calves relax teetering against heavy legs / Health News

Wadengymnastik helps against heavy legs in the job


Many professions are a significant burden on the legs. Anyone who stands or walks the whole day, for example as a salesman or waiter, sometimes has to contend with considerable complaints during the course of the day. Certain exercises, such as the rocking of the heel on the tips of the toes, can help those affected to get through the day better, explained Anette Wahl-Wachendorf from the Association of Plant and Factory Physicians (VDBW) to the news agency „dpa“.

Heavy legs are a common complaint among working people who walk or walk a lot in their daily work routine. According to the expert, this is due to an impairment of the blood circulation or a slumping of the blood in the legs. Not infrequently, the calves begin to hurt badly as a result of the effect and the affected persons are thereby significantly impaired in the practice of their profession.

Exercise exercises relieve the symptoms
In addition to the rocking of the heel on the toes to activate the blood circulation, an exercise in which the foot is placed on a step and the calf is tensed several times, counteract the complaints, Anette Wahl-Wachendorf said ... Are the targeted movements during the day a few Repeated times, this could bring a lot of relief, said the expert. In case of doubt Wahl-Wachendorf also offers support stockings relief, but should be done prior to their use, a medical review of the complaints, as thick calves and swollen legs can also be due to a more serious disease of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the support stockings must not be too tight, otherwise there is a risk of blood congestion.

Naturopathy against heavy legs
From the field of naturopathy have proven against the heavy legs - in addition to the movement exercises to activate the blood circulation - especially methods of hydrotherapy as the so-called kneippschen castings. They can theoretically be carried out by anyone at home and in the best case also have a long-term stabilizing effect on the blood circulation, so that the blood does not sag in the legs during working hours. (Fp)