Growing pains when that hurts big

Growing pains when that hurts big / Health News
Growing pains in children and adolescents
In children and adolescents there are sometimes most occurring at night and short lasting pain, which are referred to by experts as growth pain. The cause of this syndrome is unclear. The complaints can be alleviated, among other things with home remedies.

Diffuse pain in the legs
Many children and adolescents often experience diffuse pain at night or in the evening, predominantly in the legs. Experts speak in this connection of so-called growing pains. The causes of the complaints are not yet clear. Although paediatricians have much experience with the phenomenon of growing pains, there is no universally accepted definition of this syndrome. In the pharmacy magazine "Baby and Family" (5/2015) the pediatrician Dr. med. Claudia Saadi: "There is no evidence that there are growing pains."

If symptoms persist, clarify the cause
"It is believed that it is a tension pain of the periosteum," said the expert. If the pain persists and occurs during the day or mobility is compromised, a physician should clarify the causes to rule out other conditions, such as those of the musculoskeletal system, injuries, tumors or infections. If the doctor comes to the conclusion that it is growth pain, various treatment methods are available.

How complaints can be alleviated
For example, relaxation baths, stretching exercises, massages and warm compresses, such as with Swedish bitters, are recommended to alleviate the symptoms. In case of severe pain, physicians advise sometimes on painkillers, which should not be taken in the longer term. In naturopathy, homeopathic growth pains, especially Acidum phosphoricum or Calcium phosphoricum in the potencies D6 or D12, are recommended for self-administration. The latter can also be taken as mineral after Schüßler. (Ad)

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