Health benefits during Lent

Health benefits during Lent / Health News

Fasting as a spring cleaning for the body? Ash Wednesday begins the Lent of Christians. Although fasting can have a lot of positive effects on your health, some basic rules should be followed.


In the various religions Lent is firmly anchored and also for health reasons, many people occasionally take a fasting cure. The personal arguments for refraining from eating are extremely far-reaching and not every type of fasting has the same positive health effects. In addition, some basic rules must be observed so that fasting can unfold its health-promoting effect.

Various reasons for a Lent
From Ash Wednesday, the 40-day fasting period of Christians begins, Muslims fast to Ramadan, Jews on certain holidays and also in Buddhism, the renunciation of food is relatively widespread over a longer period of time. The goals of fasting in different religions are very similar. Through the inner contemplation, renunciation, humility, repentance and contemplation, the believers want to find themselves and their God. In addition to religious fasting, however, in recent years, fasting has become increasingly important. The users hope thereby an increase of the well-being with simultaneous improvement of the health. Therapeutic fasting also promises a purifying, purifying and detoxifying effect.

Therapeutic fasting with positive health effects
It is important from the medical point of view, above all, a sufficient fluid intake during Lent. Also, those affected should not go through Lent fasting and breaking, but keep their physical well-being in mind. Women should abstain from Lent during pregnancy. In case of doubt, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to rule out possible negative health consequences. In addition, fasting should not be misunderstood as a lightning diet, because for permanent weight loss is a temporary zero diet due to the known yo-yo effect rather unsuitable. However, fasting is a great way to make your lifestyle a little healthier. The specialist literature in natural medicine also refers to the successes achieved with fasting cures in chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, allergies, asthma or rheumatism. (Fp)

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Image: Lizzy Tewordt