Resolution for 2014 Less stress, more family

Resolution for 2014 Less stress, more family / Health News

2014 resolutions: less stress and more time for family


Traditionally, the New Year is the time of good intentions. These change little over the years. For 2014, a majority of Germans want to avoid stress, have more time for family and friends, and generally live healthier lives. This is the conclusion of a Forsa survey for the DAK.

Intentions change only slightly
In a few days the time has come: we celebrate the year 2014. The turn of the year is associated with good intentions for the coming year for many people. Most of these change little over the years. For 2014, the most popular intentions are again to avoid or reduce stress, to have more time for family and friends as well as to move more and do sports. This emerges from a representative Forsa survey for DAK Gesundheit.

Less stress and time for the family
According to that, 57 percent of respondents think they have less stress. Both time pressure at work and family quarrels and annoyances in the family are called stressful situations. „Especially women claim to be in stress, to reconcile work and family“, reports Frank Meiners, graduate psychologist at the health insurance. About every third woman has conflicts with the supervisor. In addition, 54 percent want to spend more time with family and friends. This was mainly expressed by men.

Do not let stress arise
Meiners explains that the most important credo is to have realistic goals so that stress does not even arise: „Whether at work or at leisure, who takes too much and too high expectations of himself and others, faster is under power.“ A good time management is very helpful. „Especially at work, it is often difficult to avoid stress factors. In such cases, it is best to agree specifically with superiors and colleagues“, so the expert. „What tasks might be possible at a later stage, how can the work be better distributed.“ In addition, stress-reduction exercises such as yoga are generally recommended.

Classic New Year's resolutions
About half (52 percent) of Germans have also decided to move more and do sports in the coming year. 47 percent have the intention to eat healthier. Just as many want to have more time for themselves and about one third (31 percent) plan to lose weight. Other classics of annual New Year's resolutions, such as reducing alcohol consumption (12 percent) and giving up smoking (11 percent) are in the lower echelons of survey results. These were mainly voiced by men.

Less financial worries
The survey also confirmed a positive trend: Financial worries and the fear of losing a job have once again diminished. In 2009, 41 percent said they were worried about financial issues, compared to just 31 percent this year. And the fear of job loss dropped from 27 percent in 2009 to 16 percent.

Brandenburg citizens remain true to their intentions
Unfortunately, all the good intentions have taken a back seat in many already a few days after the New Year. Nonetheless, the survey revealed that in 2013, every second German was able to carry on with its plans for the new year for six months or more. The Brandenburgers were the most successful with 64 percent, ahead of Bremen (61 percent) and the Saxons (60 percent). The rear lights were the residents of Schleswig-Holstein (44 percent), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (43 percent) and Hesse (42 percent).

Give up smoking especially hard
A particularly difficult goal is to give up smoking. For example, studies have shown that on average, smokers only succeed in successfully fighting their nicotine addiction after the sixth attempt. In most cases, relapses and slip-ups would be part of it. However, their failure in most cases is not due to a physical addiction, but due to the psychological dependence. According to experts, certain situations trigger key stimuli in the brain that are responsible for smokers' failure on the way to weaning. (Ad)

Picture: Jörg Brinckheger