Common illness sleep disorders with dangerous consequences

Common illness sleep disorders with dangerous consequences / Health News
Sleep disorders have become a common disease
Sleep disorders have become a veritable widespread disease in Germany. According to surveys, about a quarter of adults suffer from it. The result can be not only fatigue and concentration problems, but also serious health problems.
We sleep less today than we used to
Sleep disorders have now developed into a widespread disease in this country. "We estimate that between 5.7% and 6% of the population suffer from sleep disorders requiring treatment," explained Hans-Günter Weeß from the German Sleep Society (DGSM) to the news agency dpa. "If you compare that with diabetes, which affects about 2 percent of the population, then you can certainly speak of a widespread disease." There is scientific evidence that nowadays less sleep than decades ago.

More and more people suffer from sleep disorders. One cause is for example the smartphones. Constant news keeps people awake. (Image: Dan Race /

Sleep disorders with serious consequences
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), sleep disorders are among the most common health complaints in the population. According to surveys, about a quarter of adults suffer from it, not all are in need of treatment. So far, 50 sleep disorders have been defined. The consequences can be serious: sufferers have to struggle with chronic fatigue, poor concentration and poor performance during the day. Far more dangerous, however, is the increased risk of diabetes due to sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks or strokes, mental illnesses such as depression and the weakening of the immune system.

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Help for patients with sleep disorders
Sleep problems can have many causes. These range from long-term stress to high heat in the bedroom, too much alcohol or nicotine, severe overweight (obesity) to physical and mental illnesses. Around 310 DGSM-certified sleep laboratories nationwide treat patients with sleep disorders. In many cases, however, sufferers can also do their own things to alleviate sleep problems. In particular, a healthy lifestyle in which to avoid late food, coffee, nicotine and alcohol is possible to mention here. Since mental health problems, anger and stress often trigger wake-up, relaxation techniques such as yoga or progressive muscle relaxation can sometimes be an effective aid. (Ad)