High blood pressure - Frequently help without medication is possible

High blood pressure - Frequently help without medication is possible / Health News

Over 23 million people in Germany have hypertension

According to a recent evaluation, more than one in four citizens in Germany has hypertension. Hypertension is a major risk factor for dangerous cardiovascular disease. Health experts therefore point out the importance of taking action against high blood pressure. In many cases, no medication is needed.

Number of people with high blood pressure is rising

More than every fourth German citizen suffers from hypertension. In 2016 alone, physicians diagnosed hypertension in 28.4 percent of the population, more than 23 million people. In 2008, 25.3 percent and thus less than 21 million citizens were affected. This results from an evaluation of the Barmer health insurance company.

According to a recent evaluation, more than every fourth German citizen suffers from hypertension. Medication is not always needed to lower blood pressure. (Image: think4photop / fotolia.com)

For certain symptoms, be sure to check blood pressure

"High blood pressure has become a widespread disease that is likely to increase in the coming years as a result of demographic change," says dr. Ursula Marschall, senior physician at Barmer.

"Anyone who has been experiencing warning signs such as tinnitus, dizziness, nosebleeds, shortness of breath or pain in their chest or head for a long time should have their blood pressure checked by a doctor," advises the expert.

"Hypertension can have many reasons. In principle, diabetes, overweight, nicotine consumption, lack of exercise and unhealthy stress can lead to high blood pressure, "said Marschall.

Lower blood pressure naturally

Untreated hypertension is risk factor number one for cardiovascular disease.

People who are affected often get medicines quickly, but to lower their blood pressure you do not necessarily have to resort to medication. Often gentler methods also lead to success.

In addition to weight loss, regular exercise and quitting smoking, a balanced, healthy diet can help reduce blood pressure.

Very important here is: salt only in moderation. A high salt diet can increase blood pressure. Not more than four to six grams of salt should be consumed per day. It should be noted that also in most finished products often large amounts of salt are included.

The diet should generally contain a lot of fruits and vegetables. Especially recommended are garlic, beetroot juices and hawthorn.

Food with great effect

Also recommended is Mediterranean fare with olive oil and vegetables, as British researchers could show.

According to scientific research, hot chillies and frequent drinking of kefir can relieve hypertension.

Likewise, a magnesium supplement helps in many cases. Alcohol should be avoided as much as possible.

In addition, stress relief exercises such as yoga or autogenic training can be very effective and have a positive effect on high blood pressure levels.

Some home remedies for hypertension such as Kneipp's applications can provide good support. (Ad)