Vitamin D can make people healthy & happy

Vitamin D can make people healthy & happy / Health News

Vitamin D improves the chances of recovery from depression


Vitamin D is considered in professional circles as a true wonder vitamin. So it should effectively support the treatment of diabetes, bone loss and even cancer. How severe the consequences can be, if vitamin D is only deficient in the organism, shows a recent study by US researchers. They have found that a lack of vitamin D could be directly related to the onset of depression.

Vitamin D deficiency favors diseases
If vitamin D is deficient, serious illnesses can be promoted. Several studies, independent of each other, found that deficient care may favor the development of autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, breast cancer, kidney cancer, osteoporosis, dementia, Parkinson's and diabetes. Overall, a deficiency of the vitamin provokes an increased mortality rate. A new study by UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, showed an increase in the risk of depression. Especially the elderly, who hardly get outside, are in great danger.

Winter season reduces vitamin intake
When it's hardly light outside in winter, many people suffer from a lack of sunlight. This is proven to affect the mind, as medicine and naturopathy knows. Because our mood and health is largely dependent on the UV rays of the sun. The organism gets around 90 percent of the valuable vitamin D from the sun. Because vitamin D is formed on the human skin. The remainder is taken up via the daily food intake. Fat fish is considered a good vitamin D supplier, especially salmon, herring or mackerel. To a much lesser extent, the vitamin is also contained in the liver, egg yolk or mushrooms. However, the maximum dose of 50 micrograms should not be exceeded in adolescents and adults (children up to ten years 24 micrograms). If high doses are taken over a longer period of time, a vitamin D hypervitaminosis may form. Therefore, a prolonged intake by means of vitamin preparations should be done in consultation with a treating physician.

It is clear that the fat-soluble vitamin supports the bone structure and the nature of the teeth and thus reduces the risk of dental diseases or rapid bone fractures. In addition, it should also have a protective factor against cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack.

Vitamin D deficiency affects the psyche
American scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas publish a research paper in the journal „Mayo Clinic Proceedings“. According to the results, there is a direct context in the development of depression when vitamin D is deficient. In the course of the study, about 12600 subjects were followed for four years. In conclusion, study leader Sherwood Brown wrote that high vitamin D doses lower the risk of depression. The study is likely to be particularly interesting for people of our latitudes, as according to information from the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the intake of the vitamin is well below the recommended reference value. People who spend a lot of time indoors due to their job, and older people who are less exposed to fresh air, are at particular risk. They often show an increased risk of depressive episodes.

60 percent of the population has a vitamin D deficiency
The vitamin deficiency is particularly noticeable in the risk groups. According to a research project of the Geriatric Rehabilitation Clinic St. Irminen in Trier older people are particularly affected. The researchers assume that this is mainly due to the lower vitamin D synthesis capacity of the skin. Study leader Stefan Schilling explained that more than 90 percent of the patients examined had a deficiency of vitamin D. Plays a significant role „In addition to influencing the bone metabolism in older people, in particular the possible reduction of the risk of falling and fractures due to an adequate vitamin D supply.“ Physicians assume that about 60 percent of the total population in Germany suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, according to DGE experts, it makes sense to rethink and increase the existing reference values. Currently, adults are recommended to take 20 micrograms per day. The maximum intake should not exceed 50 micrograms.

Northern and Central Europe particularly affected
The phenomenon is now known „winter Blues“ his. Especially people in Nordic countries and Central Europe can barely produce sufficient amounts of the important vitamin on the skin during the winter months because the sun is simply missing. Even if people eat a full and balanced diet, only two to four micrograms per day can be ingested via food. Children consume only one to two micrograms daily due to reduced food intake. Women in Muslim-dominated countries, according to scientific studies also have a shortage. The reason: many are veiled because of their beliefs. (Vitamin D deficiency due to obscurations)

Artificial sunbathing can create a balance
Most people use the solarium during the summer months to get their tan for the holidays. „A moderate visit to the tanning salon can lighten the mood in winter“, Dipl. Pedagogue and Psychotherapist Gritli Bertram reports. She recommends a trip to the solarium once or twice in winter months. In addition are „long walks in winter makes sense“, so Bertram. The DGE advises the additional intake of vitamin pills. Especially infants, toddlers and the elderly have an additional need. The extra gift „should be discussed in advance with the pediatrician to avoid errors in the dosage“.

Bertram, however, warns against seeing a vitamin D deficiency as the sole cause of depression. Depression is a complex disease. „Only the risk is increased“, so the expert. Manifested depression should therefore always be treated therapeutically. (Sb)

Read about:
Vitamin D deficiency due to obscurations
Sufficient vitamin D in arthritis
calcium deficiency

Picture: Rainer Sturm