Vitamin D helps with immune deficiency

Vitamin D helps with immune deficiency / Health News

Study: Vitamin D helps with immune deficiency


Vitamin D can help people with immune deficiency if they suffer from frequent respiratory infections. It must be taken in high doses. The vitamin can prevent these infections and help to reduce the consumption of antibiotics. This was the result of a study by Swedish researchers. These had treated 140 adults with 4000 IU of vitamin D3 per day or placebo for one year. All subjects showed a clear immunodeficiency with a tendency to respiratory tract infections.

Symptoms significantly improved
Patients had suffered from respiratory tract infections with appropriate symptoms for at least 42 days within the last 12 months. The following were measured: respiratory symptoms, ears and sinuses, feeling sick and taking antibiotics.

The study ran for 12 months, during which the observed parameters were reduced by nearly a quarter as a result of vitamin D3 intake compared with the placebo group. The consumption of antibiotics in the verum group had also fallen by about 60 percent.

Gift only at low levels and immunodeficiency
The scientists from Stockholm recommend determining the vitamin D3 level for frequent infections, which should be at least 20 nanograms per milliliter. However, vitamin D3 supplementation only makes sense if the value is really lowered. The results of the study are limited to patients with weakened immune systems. Therefore, the results can not be easily transferred to the effect on healthy persons or on people who only occasionally suffer from an infection. (Original publication: Vitamin D3 supplementation in patients with frequent respiratory tract infections: a randomized and double-blind intervention study: BMJ Open 2012; 2: e001663 doi: 10.1136 / bmjopen-2012-001663)

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Image: Maria Lanznaster