Vitamin D supplements can relieve irritable bowel syndrome symptoms

Vitamin D supplements can relieve irritable bowel syndrome symptoms / Health News

How does the intake of vitamin D affect patients with irritable bowel syndrome??

Researchers have now found that taking vitamin D supplements seems to reduce irritable bowel syndrome. Affected persons could therefore easily be relieved of abdominal pain, constipation and other unwanted side effects.

Researchers at the University of Sheffield found in their study that taking dietary supplements with vitamin D relieves the so-called irritable bowel syndrome (RDS). The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition".

Taking Vitamin D supplements seems to help people with irritable bowel syndrome to control the discomfort of the disease. (Image: puhhha /

Vitamin D helps alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

In their research, the experts noted a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. The team also investigated the potential benefits of vitamin D supplementation on irritable bowel syndrome. The results suggest that dietary supplements with vitamin D may help alleviate the symptoms. These include, for example, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. In addition, one of the biggest benefits of taking vitamin D supplements has been the improvement in the overall quality of life in people with irritable bowel syndrome, the researchers say.

People with irritable bowel syndrome should have their vitamin D levels checked

The study provides a better insight into the condition of irritable bowel syndrome, but more importantly, it points to a new way of coping with the problem, the researchers emphasize. The results of the study indicate that all sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome should be tested for vitamin D levels and that a large majority of these people would benefit from dietary supplements, study author Dr. Bernard Corfe from the University of Sheffield.

Diet and stress can worsen symptoms

The irritable bowel syndrome is a generally poorly understood disease, which has a strong impact on the quality of life of those affected. There is no known cause for the irritable bowel syndrome and no known way to cure. Why and how the debilitating dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract develops remains unclear, although it is known that diet and stress can aggravate the symptoms, the researchers explain.

People with irritable bowel syndrome are often ashamed of the symptoms that appear

Most patients with irritable bowel syndrome are ashamed for the symptoms of the condition. This means that many live with this disorder that is undiagnosed. The disease is also a major burden for society, because as a result of irritable bowel syndrome missed many working days and additional time spent on regular appointments in hospitals, the researchers explain.

What affects vitamin D in humans?

Vitamin D is essential for overall well-being, including bone health, immune function, mental health and gut health, the researchers report. A lack of vitamin D can also be relatively easily remedied with dietary supplements. First, however, the defect must have been diagnosed so that those affected can respond appropriately. Inadequate vitamin D status has been previously associated with the increased risk of colorectal and inflammatory bowel disease. (As)